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condiment tomatoes for salsa

I had great luck growing Amish Paste tomatoes here in New England. They're very prolific and have a great taste. Nothing at all like a vine-ripened tomato for making salsa!
Yeah, what TB said.
As far as unique flavor profiles for Salsa,
I don't really look for the tomato flavor when eating salsa.
Onions, garlic, cilantro, and peppers dominate the tomato flavor.
You want a tomato to hold up, like TB said "not mealy".

Best thing is lots and lots of trial and error! LOL
See what you like even if it's different every time, and have fun with it!
Roma because of low water content and thick flesh. Makes a nice dice and a non-soggy salsa with flavor.
Nothing beats a good Roma, the "Speckled Roma" for one example is very tasty. The advantage when using the plum type tomatoes is theres only 2 seed cavities. That gives you a very meaty tomato with very little cleaning. I'd recommend removing the skin off the tomato before chopping it. The easiest way about doing so is to par boil a pot of water, with a knife shallow slice the bottom of the tomatoes with an (x) pattern, drop a few at a time in the water. After 20 seconds the skins will losen and at that point remove the tomatoes and place in an ice bath or in a colander under cold running water to stop the cooking process. Its well worth the effort whether you're making a chop sauce, salsa or canning. Good luck...
I prefer Romas for a classic flavor, but my wife seems to favor yellow lower-acidic varieties. Different varieties of tomatoes seem to taste better with certain varieties of peppers...and when you mix different types together within the same batch, it gets even more complex. Tomatillos instead of tomatoes makes a good salsa also.
There is so many to choose from. KBX, Cherokee Purple, Sandul Moldovan, German Red Strawberry,
JD's Special Tex, Eva Purple Ball, Stump of the World, etc .etc.
If your looking for more dense tomatoes, check into the hearts like, German Red Strawberry, Kosovo,
Anna Russian, Wes, Linnie's Oxheart, Brad's Black Heart,,etc, etc.
If your looking for paste, Ludmilla's Red Plum is a good one and so is Opalka, like Potawie said. There's
many more good ones.
+1 on the German red strawberry, its one of my all-time favorites for taste.
Romas are OK but I find there are many more flavorful paste/plum types out there. San manzanos grown in Italy are always on the top of my list but grown in my climate they are OK, but not excellent