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Top This Sandwich! A sandwich posting game

There are two ways to post a sandwich here.
1. Post what you feel is the best authentic, most unique, or most extreme version of a sandwich (anything goes), which cannot possibly be topped. At the top, post "Top This ____!" Example: Top This Grilled Cheese! Then, tell us about it.
2. The second way to post is to pick a sandwich to try to top. In this post you will mention whose sandwich you are trying to top, and provide a link to it by right clicking the post number (top right of post) and copying/pasting the link to yours. If you post a sandwich here, even if you are trying to top someone, you understand someone may try to top YOU!
If it's not a know type of sandwich, all you have to do is try to top the sandwich using the main ingredient(s) and style of the sandwich, or the "gist" of the sandwich. I'm sure there will be a lot of creativity, so obviously you don't have to "recreate" what they did. The idea is to TOP it with your creativity (or skill!). If they posted a simple yet authentic sandwich, also keep it simple and authentic. Over-the-top isn't topping. It's all about the BEST!
No reposts! Make it for here or don't post it here. :)
This is for fun! It's up to you what tops what but there will be no official winners! Use the Like button.
Challenge: Reuben wrap in a homemade rye flat bread and pressed with a cast iron pan on your baking steel.
I don't get some of the hate over wraps. Last one I got was a falafel wrap in a fresh-made pomegranate and fig dough wrap, and they literally make the bread right in front of you. I'll take a pic next time. They pull the dough out of the fridge, press it in this steam presser, and toss it on this dome shaped piece of metal over an open fire. Then flip. Done. Then assemble your wrap. People be hatin' on wraps??? I don't get it. :)
PS. If I tell grant to use the searzall he'll have no choice but to accept the challenge. He can't not use that thing!

Just found this thread and read clean through. Now have to go change my shirt (drenched in druel).

Heading to the asian market.

There may be Rymerpt pics in the near future.

Ok just got back from asain market (I love that place). I found drum sticks for 49¢ lb !

I now have a crockpot going with:

Many drumsticks

Head of garlic

4cups water

4 beef bulion cubes

T peppercorns

8 bay leaves

Cup & 1/2 reaper infused vinegar

Cup soy sauce

This I will crockpot all day and be a componant of my sammie I'll post Sunday.


Beef bouillon and soy sauce? Mmmmmmm MSG heaven!!!!! :)

I don't fear it, I like umami, be careful of sodium overload though.
Pulled out the bones and the bay leaves, turned off crockpot, letting it rest.

Going out for dinner. I'll put in the fridge and finnish sammie Sunday. Gotta let the flavors marry into the chicken.

Ok, took the coldpulled chicken, added chopped hommade suprhot pickles, and mayo, put mixture on jalapeno roll, added pickle wedge for more crunch. Took bite. (Added ring for photograph). Took another bite.

Kinda disappointed. Not as good as I thought it would be.

Disappointed? Try making a club on plain white bread toasted with bacon, lettuce, and tomato and I bet it will taste good.
Chicken salad club. A diner classic.
Blister said:
Ha! I thought of that as soon as I saw it. Isn't that the spicynix or something like that?

Its spiceneesxt.  :lol:
Rymerpt said:
Ok, took the coldpulled chicken, added chopped hommade suprhot pickles, and mayo, put mixture on jalapeno roll, added pickle wedge for more crunch. Took bite. (Added ring for photograph). Took another bite.

Kinda disappointed. Not as good as I thought it would be.

Nice thumb ring!