• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

Torno 2012

---2012 Grow List---

Here is my final pepper grow list for 2012 and pictures of my newly taped together grow box to get off on the right foot this year. I had wanted to have this already done and seeds started over a month ago but life happens.

7 Pod White
Chocolate x Red Hab
7 Pod Primo
7 Pod Brain
White Bhut
Peach Bhut
Biker Billy Jap
Douglah x ButchT, Red
7 Pod Barrackpore
Sonoran Chiltepin
Trinidad Scorpion , AJ 2011
Jimmy Nardello
Brazilian Starfish
Aji Crystal
Aji Dulce
Bih Jolokia , overwinter
Bishops Crown, overwinter
Trinidad Sweet Cherry
Sweet Trinidad Scorpion
Sofia Sweet
Trinidad Perfum

This years list is only 1/4th of what I had originally planned but the family wants more herbs/veg to enjoy, I think it's honestly because they are sick of hearing me curse the skies and punch the cat when I indulge in some super hot love.

---Grow Box for 2012---
HydroFarm 4ft 6bulb T5HO setup, had it not been for my horrible ability to measure things, I could of easily fit in the 8bulb, oh well. It cranks out enough light to make me squink so I'm happy. All the shiny stuff is your average emergency blanket from Wal-Mart. I have it chain mounted and can easily be adjusted to any height I want from the bottom upwards to 5 ft, so there is plenty of room in there to play with. Once seeds are planted out I am taking on a new project to grow some monster DWC 100% isolated plants for a member, I'm really excited to see what those babies will do with the new setup.





Really lookin good - transplants look really at home in
the grow box. I see awesome pepper plants in your future!
Looking good.

Thinking I screwed up the toothache seeds or something. They looked smashy when I got them, but they are small so I am not sure. Under thin soil layer at 83°...is that where they need to be????
Ya the seeds are extremely tiny.. With those I never did anything special with them other than lightly covered and sat under the grow lights anytime they were on. On average I had them poking up within a few days.

I honestly couldn't tell you if the light played any part or not, i just left them there because I had no where else to really put them without my wife getting all worked up... Shes already annoyed I have a pineapple top in her window sill in the kitchen haha. I'd put some new ones down and just lightly cover them with medium and put them under lights, it may or may not help...it's the only way I've really grown them aside from that DWC last year and that too was in a hydro cube under lights. They are like peppers in terms of germinating, moist not wet... but once they start getting bigger they drink A LOT of water

Plants outside getting some sunshine... Letting them sit in the sun for an hour then putting them into the shade for 30min then back out in the sun for another hour... The pots without anything noticeable are late start seeds, maters that just came up and some basil as well.


Thank you thank you!

Today marks the first day they are getting multiple hours of sunlight. Yesterday they were 1 hour in sun, 1 hour in shade for just 4 hours and that seemed to tigger some growth. When I grabbed the trays this morning to get them outside the amount of bright green new growth was crazy, also a good sign haha. This year I am giving them nothing but the 3 part X-Nutrient line and havent had any issue and the growth is where it should be for the age. So long as the heat stays down this summer it should be a great year!

Looking good Torno! Your feeding routine
seems to be working wonderfully. Should see
some great bushes from those plants!
This year is my first year to use strictly RO/DI pH corrected water from seed onwards. Last year I had a horrible start to the season and could not figure out why until someone suggested a pH issue. Once I grasped the idea of pH and it's importance I swear up and down by correcting my water to pH 6.0 and have had great results due to that.

Plants are looking awesome J. When can you plant out down yonder?
Thanks! Im hoping for a mid March, early April time frame... but with the way the weather has been lately they may get potted up and outside in the new couple weeks.

Hey J, your plants look great man, I love the grow box. It was nice to see what someone else's plants look like using the same hydro farm fixture. I made the mixtake of using the wrong bulbs for the first month, I can see it slowed the growth rate of my plants pretty bad seeing what yours did in the first few weeks of life under the blue bulbs. Anyway, lookin good, I hope you have a great season.

I picked up four new additions today from AJ. Went out to his house this afternoon and that is one of the most impressive setups I've seen, there were plants everywhere! The pictures he post really do no justice to how those plants look... one of this 3 yr old TS plants looks like a small tree, it's wild.

TS Green JR, 7 Pod Philliperv, 7 Pod Primo, 7 Pod Brain Strain

Potted a few plants up to the 1 gal today...

White Bhut, rook pic coming out of a 4 inch kord square

White Bhut, same as above showing the interior growth, i like it!


1 Gal Pot Up Family when i finished tonight, still more to do
