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tracks on a leaf?

Can someone enlighten me as to what would cause this?

I noticed similar 'tracks' on a few of my plants this morning. I was thinking it was some type of tiny slug but would like to hear what others think.
Did a little research, and it seems to point to leafminers. Its a fly larvae that eats the inside of the leaf.
that is 100% leaf miners.. im very familiar with them as they attack my citrus like crazy.. the only way to cure it that i know of with with a systemic pesticide, but i bet some one on this site knows a better way..
I hate leafminers! Only had them once many years ago and it was on edibles so traditional systemics were out of the question (Imidacloprid is evil stuff). Only one thing I found that worked, but it took a couple weeks: Neem oil

Mixed 2 Tbsp to a gallon of water with 1 Tbsp/gal of a safe soap (Like Dr. Bronner's, what I usually use), spraying it just before nightfall every 3-4 days.

Neem is perfectly safe and is mildly systemic (i.e. absorbs into the plant for further redistribution). Works in a strange way: It makes most insects forget to eat after 24-48 hours. Go figure. It also messes up their reproductive cycle by making them "forget" to breed. Amazingly, it doesn't affect beneficial insects.

Other than that, I have no idea what to do about those insidious bloodsuckers called leafminers. I'm not even sure there are any purchasable beneficial insects that attack them.

Good luck!
Yup, looks like leaf miners. I had a new plant with that. Plucked off the one involved leaf. So far so good. We'll see.