transplanting pepper with flowers?

I have a white Diamond sweet pepper with 5 growing fruits and several flowers.
He's still in a small container.
If I plant him in open ground, do I have to remove all fruits and flowers?
Or is it enough to remove only the fruits?
     If your plant is healthy it should have the energy resources to both develop fruit as well as grow into it's new environment. If not, it will likely drop flowers until it gets adjusted. 
     Having said that, I would probably pick off all the fruit and flowers to ensure that it has every resource available to establish a big root system. My thinking is that investing in a big, heathy root system now will ensure a larger flush of fruit later on. A plant only has a finite ability to produce energy. I would prefer my plants to put that energy into adapting to their new home instead of splitting it between producing a few early fruit and trying to grow roots.
Ok, I will remove/eat the fruits beefore I plant him.
The plant is 3,5 months old and I have fertilized only once, so I think he has a very strong root system.

Is it true the white diamond grows rather compact and not really big?
I have self made tomato cages and I have one of 50 cm high.