Trinidad Perfurme....

I am looking for the trinidad Perfume, so my wife can have a chili that she can enjoy. Does anyone have any seeds to trade? Let me know! Thanks!
oh,i was hoping you made some aftershave or something. thats what i like to do is rub trinadas on my face after i shave,haha
just eat a bell pepper....
just kidding Cory...but in my opinion, the trinidad perfume is just that, pepper taste with zero heat...sometimes I wonder what's the use...can your sweet wife handle any heat at all?
IMO if you get some TAM jalapenos and grow them, you will be ahead of the game...more productive and great taste...and TAM stands for Texas A&M...they developed this little to no heat jalapeno several years ago...
kinda, I think...
yea... I think I will get some from the garden store when they start carrying them. Still too early for my nursery to have em.
startem from seed Cory...piece of cake
I plant no heat Japs every year, they are wonderful as subs for cucumber pickles, since my cucumbers never do worth a crap anyways. I take the no heats, split them in half, scoop out the seeds and pack them into jars, then use a pickling solution of vinegar, salt and water, let sit for atleast 2 weeks, delicious!

I wasnt really impressed with the Trinidad Perfume, like AJ said, not a very productive plant, I got maybe 20 pods of mine last year and it was nearly 2 feet tall.