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seeds True to type Scotch Bonnet seed

ive heard great things about hippyseedco and pepperlover

maybe someone has extra seeds on here that would be willing to send you some
HI I am new here, but i've been growing scotch bonnets for a couple years now.

I think I've found a Jamaican yellow that retains a pretty true shape,see for yourself.


They start out pretty normal but as they grow they get the nice bonnet shape. I had a bunch of ripe pods this year already, but they got eaten pretty quickly.

I've got seeds if you wanna trade just email me
Beth at Peppermania.com has Foodarama Scotch Bonnets...and they are chinense...most of the Jamaican Reds and Yellows are Annuums...

IMO this is the best looking Scotch Bonnet pod I have grown to date...here is a pic...

wow that is a beauty!

How were/are your yields on that guy? Ive found that i either get 5 nice shaped pods or loads of regular hab shaped pods. Im still trying to find the best of both worlds.

My seeds we labeled Jamaican yellow scotch bonnet (C. chinese) but who knows, it wouldn't have been the first time I've been lied to by internet seed providers.
the foodaramas are good producers of uniform shaped pods from what I have grown in the past...I have 20 plants growing this year...
I've also been looking for authentic scotch bonnet seeds. Im also new to pepper growing and this forum. I haven't started any from seeds yet, have been buying plants. I live in Oklahoma, when should one start seeds indoors for the season coming up? Or could you start them now outside and move them in before it gets cold? Any and all info on where I can get the seeds and to properly grow them would be appreciated. Hope everyone has a happy 4th!

Thanks for all replys. I am growing scotch bonnet jamaican red from tradewindsfruit.I also bought scotch bonnet jamaica yellow from them. Thanks AJ for the info about the foodarama scotch bonnets at peppergal, They are great to deal with so is pepperlover.Omri who sells scotch bonnet tfm seed? I would like to wish everyone a happy 4th of july weekend!
Thanks AJ for the info about the foodarama scotch bonnets at peppergal,

you are welcome but it isn't peppergal...it is peppermania.com and I just looked, she is evidently out...you could try emailing her and asking about the Foodaramas...her name is Beth
Omri who sells scotch bonnet tfm seed?
Because it's considered the ultimate Scotch Bonnet by many, seeds are exchanging hands between growers. I think Tomato Growers or Peppermania used to carry seeds at one point, but I don't know if they still do. it is no doubt the best Scotch Bonnet in my opinion. shape and flavor wise. also one of my all-time favorites.
I would like to wish everyone a happy 4th of july weekend!
You too my friend.