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fermenting Two ferments started on sept 1... Looking promising

I have two ferments going so far, currently 18 days old. So far so good. Gave them a stir yesterday and they smelled great. No signs of nasties either. I think it could be due to my extensive use of star San. That stuff is great for beer brewing!

Those are looking kickass FG.  I am also from the 'no stir, no open ever' camp, but I can't tell you what not to do since your shaboozle is looking quite right imo.  The only tip I'd offer is that you might want to put them into tupperware (jars standing in the tupperware containers) to ward off any glugs - them paper towels won't absorb much if you happen to 'boil over'.  Lesson I've learned the hard way :)
I moved my fermenting operations from the kitchen pantry to upstairs in a bedroom closet.  Here is my current setup.  
Four different ferments.  I hope you can read the ingredient list.  I got smart after the two batches on the left and got 64oz/ half gallon jars.  I did throw in a flora pill in each batch.  Topped off with 1 tbsp of sea salt per 1 cup of water.
The two columns on the right have been going since september 1st.  The next two starting from the left were started on Oct 6 and Oct 4 respectively.
I'd like to make sauce with a white color.  I have white ghost and aji pineapple peppers.  Any recommendations on where to go from here?
