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overwintering Variety to winter

Newbie here wants to know if there is a recommended variety that I might start from seed mid-summer, with the intention of planting next spring, OR making an indoor plant.

Looking for something fun or unique.

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well, if you are willing and able to bring plants inside over the winter (plant pests in the soil is a concern), you can kind of do whatever you want. chinense varieties are slower to germinate than annums for example, but just pick whatever looks tasty to you.
you just need the space for plants, and you need a light source be it windows with good light (south facing is probably best) or artificial grow lights.
for overwintering nice established plants with good roots and lots of leaves, window light is ok.
see http://thehotpepper.com/topic/21940-gurus-18-acre-fabriculture-5-yr-mothers/page-8#entry487326
for overwintering smaller plants / seedlings, i don't know if window light is good enough or not. without good light, they will grow too leggy. might need grow lights.
i would germinate your seeds asap and then have seedlings outdoors in containers while the light is good and see how big they get and then overwinter them if you want.