wanted Wanted: Morouga Scorps in Canada (pods)

So I figure it's a long shot given the time of year, but is there anyone out there willing to ship some TS morouga pods to or within Canada? Can pay by cheque or paypal. Preferably paypal if it comes from the states so I don't have to do the conversions myself.
will have a beepload this fall... now i only have about 5 pods left of other things that Morouga... i have 2 pods of "Morouga X Douglah" and some yellow scorp (all crisp dry... good to make flakes or powder)
Also growing Morouga red and yellow atm... if you cant get any then just pm me around june / july and I will ship a few of them to Canada
Same here. Got them growing now. Pm me in july and I'll send you some! Might throw one or 2 in my dwc and see if i can't get some sooner indoors.