wanted [Wanted] Pimenta da Neyde

Hi everybody,

i am looking for Pimenta da Neyde seeds.

I could offer the following, but am not totally sure about all the names, because i to everything instead of Habanero red from fruits i bought on markets etc. and which were not declared correctly:

- Naga (not sure which type of Naga exactly, was just declared as "Naga" - not sure how good the seeds geminate)
- Habanero red (from a plant i grew by myself, could be crossbreeded with some mild red pepper)
- Jalapeño
- something like Cayenne, just sold as "Chili"
- something like Czech Black or Black Hungarian (the left red one on this picture - not sure about how good the seeds geminate)
- "Gelbe Kirsche" (yellow cherry, the yellow ones on this picture)
Trades winds fruit used to carry that one:
But do not list it currently---maybe write them?

Thank you, Balac and feeltheburrrn. I'll wait some more time, hoping to find someone here and if i don't, i think i will order it there.
I just ordered the seeds at peppermania. I hope everything will go fine with sending it from the US to Germany an that it is not out of stock and this information was just not updatet yet. But i will see.