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Was going to be a post now its a rant about pets

On another note an animal suffering has very negative behavior.Ive seen it myself..My Tiger(brown cat) at a year old..700.00 hip operation playing rough with misty he hit a door corner and busted off the ball on his hip..As the animal lover I am like fu*k im putting him to sleep..I had like the most of the factory laugh at me when I left work to put him in his cage and bring him to our vet..What got me was the ignorance ..Well its a cat put it asleep..I said if it was your dog would you put him/her to sleep..they would say no..so id proceed in saying what the hell is different with a cat...you get an animal its a part of your family...not just a pet..I got ridiculed for a while from some ignorant a*sholes but you get its for life and they are family like kids..Yeah..I spent 700.00 on one of my cats and ill do it for the rest..My pets are my kids and I love them as much as my little one...Peeps that think cats and dogs are disposable really piss me off the ignorance really gets to me...I remember seeing commercials from the spca saying pets arent just for christmas..I couldnt aggree more..I have a 2 bedroom apt with 3 cats and a lab and man thats alot of work just keeping it clean but I do it hair alone is a job lol..I play with my lab there are tumble weeds of her hair lol but thats normal..This has become a rant so its going to become a new thread rather than a reply..I love my animals thats all
You will get a kick out of this one CP...we have a weimaraner (Roscoe)...he was 6 years old and their worst enemy is bloat (intestines twist) because he is a deep chested dog...well, one day he wasn't acting right....I was coming back from a business trip and the wife took him to an emergency clinic for pets.....man let me tell you this place was set....you name it...parrots, mccaws, parakeets, pit bulls, dobermans, toy poodles, calico cats, iguanas, snakes,...you get the picture...I got home from my business trip frazzled because Roscoe was in the "hospital"....I left the airport and went straight to the hospital....yup.............there he was in all his radient glory...indigestion....I can't post enough laughing smiley faces here....

Anyway, $852 and three prescriptions later me and bubby dogs came home...

So you aren't the only one that has "family members"....
Not only can dogs be members of the family, they can also be wage earners.

My wife runs a doggy day care and our dog Magnum is the "hostess" (although she does tend to sleep half the day on the stairs away from her clients). She is a big, dopey, loveable great dane cross, who we think is small (Magnum does too, forever crawling under our bed and getting stuck).

At 18 months old, she damaged her cruciate ligament (or dog equivalent) and we have been putting off surgery since then. So the regime for Magnum since then? Dog massage, dog chiropractor, every 2nd week. These experts charge more than the human ones do, and there's no health plan for the dog. Would we do it any different? No, she's not only our employee, but also part of the family.

My rant with regard to dogs is the number of bad owners I come across.

#1 One of our neighbours had a flea problem, so they moved out for 2 weeks. They left the dogs behind, and didnt wash them, so the problem continued.

#2 A friend of mine's neighbour has recently gotten a dog for Xmas. Cute puppy except they treat it like a jet-ski. It's tied to a fence all day, behind the garage where it is not seen. It wears an anti-bark shock collar. Never walked, never washed. Why oh WHY did they get a dog? I have warned my friend that if ever i am there and the neighbour is in the yard, that I will give em a serve. "IT"S NOT A $%$^^%$#@#@ TOY, IT'S AN ANIMAL
I will agree with ring sting about if you get a pet take care of it & treat it right.
you knew this was coming,
BUT it is an animal once the price gets to high to fix the animal or take care of it(medical reasons), put it to sleep & get a new one.
I like dogs, I put 1 of my dogs down because it had an on going mild mange problem (it was not contagious to other dogs - 2 kinds of mange) plus his attitude. so one day I just dropped him off at the vet & said put'em to sleep & later I picked him up threw him in the truck box & dug a hole, end of story! & that was a cane corso dog (not a cheap dog)

I just dont see why spend all that money on a animal to fix (medical reason) when you can get a new animal for same price or less. & if your beloved pet was seriously injured you're telling me you'd spend all that time trying to get it to a vet to save its life instead of putting it out of its misery ? remember this is a pet you love & you dont want to see pain brought upon it. do the animal a favor put it out of its misery.
this also goes for some other kinds of diseases the animal might have, I also laugh at the fact people keep paralyzed animals alive - thats not a pet!

As i mentioned, our dog is responsible for bringing in a considerable amount of our household income, so, to spend 200 bucks a month on a tax deductible is similar to a truck driver (18 wheeler) repairing his/her truck as opposed to replacing it (after all, a replacement truck can always be found, but it may never be the same).

Your response leads to quality of life issues, and yes, if my dog was in constant pain (she is not) and not enjoying life, i would be at the vet's right next to you, particularly if her temperament was not ideal.

Then that leads to the second pet peeve i mentioned above, that of the dog whose owners dont take care of it. In 6 months, the psychological damage will be so severe that I would advocate its owner being dropped off at the vet's, collected at the end of the day for a one-way ride out to the dump. (Honestly, the dog will probably need to be destroyed due to the neglect.)

When people mention euthanasing older dogs, I think pf the experience of one of my uncles. Working on a sheep farm, Rex had given him 11 years of faithful, dutiful service working in all weather and such. So, when Rex started going deaf, slowing down and not keeping up with the herd, my uncle retired him to the farm sheds. When I asked why he didnt destroy Rex, he told me what I have just said. so Rex went into semi retirement, working as a 'doorbell' when people drove in. In the end, he became arthritic and his quality of life deteriorated. Any yes, he went to the vet for one last needle.

if your beloved pet was seriously injured you're telling me you'd spend all that time trying to get it to a vet to save its life instead of putting it out of its misery ?

I live in a city. Vets are everywhere. If my dog was seriously injured yes I would probably put it down rather than surgery.
chilehunter said:
BUT it is an animal once the price gets to high to fix the animal or take care of it(medical reasons), put it to sleep & get a new one.

I just dont see why spend all that money on a animal to fix (medical reason) when you can get a new animal for same price or less.

I'm not into disposable pets and I don't see how anyone could just replace a good friend.
My $35 Pound Puppy

I adopted Matilda, my lab/Aussie mix from the pound, $35 and that included the spay. A couple of days after she came home with me, she broke with Kennel cough. Normally kennel cough isn't a serious problem, but the kind going around that year was particularly virulent, and it turned into pneumonia not once, but twice. So, numerous vet visits and one trip to the emergency vet later, my $35 pound puppy was up to about $500.

When she was about ten months old, someone opened the gate to my yard, Matilda got out, and was hit by a car. It was bad. Real, real bad. She broke a vertebra and shattered her femur. She was paralyzed and might lose her leg. So, she spent the night at the emergency vet's, and was moved from there to the surgical specialty clinic for emergency surgery. They saved her leg and reset the vertebra, but she has enough metal in her hips and leg to set off a metal detector at 100 paces. When they pieced her leg back together, there was about an inch gap where there was no bone, it had shattered into pieces too small to repair. So, two weeks after the first surgery, they went back in and did a bone graft on that leg, taking some bone from her shoulder to fill the gap. It took us about 4 months of intense nursing and therapy to get her back on her feet and walking, and about 6 before she was able to run and play again. About the only thing you might notice now is that she sits with that leg stuck , and her tail curves sideways.

So, in the first year of her life, my $35 pound puppy cost me around $4000. But the spay was free!

first off i just love that everyone has a story.
so anyways, i always say i have the most expensive free cat ever. when she was about four months old she broke her leg and i had two options, a surgery that cost 1500 dollars plus a bunch of follow up to recast because she was still growing or a 200 dollar option to set the leg with the help of xray plus the same follow up. so i did choose the 200 dollar option, in total it ended up over fifteen hundred. so no, i didn't spend the 1500 that would have ended up over 3000 but i still didn't put her down (even tho she was in pain until we got to the vet, and the vet was totally hinting that it would be totally ok for me to just say put her down) but as soon as it was set and casted its like she didn't even notice and now she has no troubles and all (even tho that leg kinda sticks out).
then again, i put my first cat down. he suddenly came down with kidney failure (he was an outside cat and after everything was done we're pretty sure he drank anti freeze) we spent a ton of money on tests and procedures trying to find and solve the problem but it wasn't going to get better and and he was basically turning into a skeleton, so yea we put him down.
I don't consider rushing a pet who's in pain to the hospital or having some manner of healing period letting the animal suffer, and i don't think paralyzed animals suffer, but i do think guarenteed ongoing suffering that will shortly result in death is an ok reason in my books to put a pet down. then again, when i'm old i'll be a DNR patient.