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fertilizer water soluble fertilizer per potted plant

I am unsure if I am under fertilizing or not. I have about 40 plants that are relatively small (not seeding by any means maybe 8" tall with a fair amount of leaves. I first water the plants then I mix up a batch of fertilizer in a two gallon watering can and I go over each plant a couple seconds and when I run out I mix another batch. I only use the these 4 gallons on the plants. I would say approximately 30 are in 5 gallon pots. Is this under fertilizing? should I water till I can see water coming out at the bottom? I've always had decent luck but felt the plants could have grown and produce more. Also the plants that are in the ground is it generally the same idea for the amounts? 
The potted plants are all peppers the plants in the ground are tomatoes and tomatillo's 
i do exactly as you do, water first until i see water coming out the bottom of the pot, then mix up a batch of miracle gro tomato fertilizer into a 5 gallon pail and then follow up with the feeding. usually 2 cups per plant - i use a small sour cream container to deliver the goods.
my next feeding i am moving away from miracle grow and going to try general hydroponics maxibloom - see if a different fertilizer makes a difference.
Thanx BC - there is really not a lot of info on this. I am afraid of under fertilizing and worse, over fertilizing. I think that when I am treating them I would see a more dramatic rate in growth but this could be delusional thinking on my part. I do this every 2 wks and water as needed.  
many members say peppers don't like too much fertilizer but i would guess that is in ground soil plants were nutrients are plentiful. if potting soil is only used then i would think you would have to fertilizer with water soluble nutrients.
though as i pot up i tried to add my own ingredients to my potting soil, like ground seaweed, alfalfa, coffee grounds and any thing else i can get my hands on... grass. but then i still use fertilizer and i am always second guessing myself because i also make and use teas. then mist with epsom salts every 4th day or so. my season is so short, i can't afford any type of damage.
my wife just booked us into disneyland for a week in july and my 70 year old neighbour will be looking after my 75 plants and there is no way he can pull them in and out of the greenhouse, so now i have to make a protective enclosure that he can easily water and to protect from hail - july is hail season for us.
but my question..... if i mix up a batch of water soluble fertilizer how long can it sit, mixed up, before any nutrient fade occurs? that question is difficult to find an answer.
best of luck.
Good question - How long are you gone for? I would fertilize before leaving and have him water. I would think a premixed batch, if left uncovered, would dissipate water and condense. I guess if your mixture was made in gallon jugs with the caps it would just need a shake and pour. 

and lucky you! have fun in Disney I haven't been there since the kids were little - about 13yrs ago
exactly my plan for the neighbour, all he has to do is water.... he likes looking after my finches, brings them fresh lettuce and things from the garden. we are gone for 1 week.
chlorine is a chemical and it dissipates, do sulfates and nitrates dissipate or do they just settle? i don't know. perhaps something like magnesium sulfate(epsom salt) further breaks down separating the magnesium and sulfur or picks up another ion from the water after time forming something else. now you got me worried!
i keep a stick close by to stir the fertilizer nutrient and my teas. but since i don't always use the entire batch i get some left over - you would think after all these years i would have it measured to a science then use exactly what i make.
my girls are 13 & 11 and the wife keeps telling me to GROW UP! so perfect ages for disney.
I wouldnt think it would change composition in say a weeks time and I would imagine adding more water would help. I am not a tea expert by any means but doesnt that continually steep or brew over time? sort of a like a yeast? I only mix up (MG or what ever) what I use if I dont use it all the lawn can have some. I have wanting to start to using Osmocote Veg. and see if my luck changes and take a lot of guess work out.
LOL  I hear it all the time as wel l- Wives must be cut from the same cloth I think or MAYBE its the wedding cake! **Conspiracy** There is a lot of things linked to THAT cake
I notice peppers will grow to a certain point and than grow very slowly for a period, than they will be back to normal agian, maybe thats what you are experiencing.
I know that point. My question is whether or not I am over or under fertilizing which, would effect the growth in which I see and what I perceive it should be. I haven't seen anything in print or web that would indicate what the application should be i.e. saturation till comes out the bottom (not in dry soil, water first never fertilize dry plants) or just a cup or two? or sprinkle with the watering can? I think this could greatly change the rate(s) of growth in many plants. I'd hate to under fertilize but then again burning out or having a salt blockage isn't good either. Its like dancing on a razor blade.
**edit**  from above I have most of my plants in pots