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Weathers a Changin'


I feel like I need to talk to some fellow addicts...so here I am...no one "close" to me is as into pods as I am...sooooo...I figure here is the best place to relieve my anxiety about not having anyone to talk to about peppers...

our summer heat here in North Texas (west Fort Worth specifically) seems like it is getting ready to break...yesterday was 105F/40C, today is supposed to be 108F/42C...this past 6 weeks has been brutal... I have had a stretch of about 35 days above 100F/38C with the night time temps only getting down to the low to mid 80s (~28C)...as I have learned over the past 3 or 4 years, my pod set and actually pollen production comes to a screeching halt for the superhots about the first of July and does not start again until the weather breaks...

Well, it seems that the break in the weather is coming this week...here is the weeks forecast...


It has been a long time since I was able to sit outside on my patio in a cool morning...looks like that will be remedied tomorrow morning with the temp a cool 74F/~23C...

and it looks like my timing for my projects have worked out well this year...I am 98% complete with my irrigation/fertigation project and will be completely finished by the end of this week...I still have to run drip line to 51 Bhut Jolokia plants and I will be finished with the drip irrigation installation...I ordered an EZ Flow 3 gallon siphon type fertilize injector for the system and that should be here by Thursday or so...once that is installed, I am finished with projects for this year...or think I am finished until I think of something else I need to build/make/develop

the plants are in need of a good feed but still, the superhots are ready to explode in pods...there must be over 10,000 flowers on my bhuts and most are dropping daily or the pollen is non existant...

I figure after 3 or 4 days back in the 70s at night the plants will start producing pollen again...this first pollen may be sterile so I figure within a week, they should start pod set...I am talking about the superhots here, Red Savina included, because it "was" the world record before the Bhut...

god willing, I will have good pod set and some good harvest come November...

I am going to hit the plants with 18-18-21 fertilize and a little Liquid Karma thru fertigation...they will probably get continually fed once I get the system up unless they tell me they don't want any more to eat...

its right at 7 am and I have to get outside and get busy...it will be very humid and hot by 10 am so I got three hours to "do my thang" outside...later all...
Drink plenty of fluids--and not the dehydrating type. :)

We'll actually get in the upper 80's here this week.

Saw Hatch NM chilies in the market this week. Perhaps I should have a road trip to El Paso and grab a couple a hundred pounds. :)

I lived there for a year and it was really interesting to watch them roast hundreds of lbs. of peppers at a time in front of the grocery stores. It smelled awesome.

When I lived there the low for the summer at night was 105 so I feel for you. Used to live in Woodward, OK and it had similar temps to where you are.

Good Luck!
not gonna be a good day so far...dropped my drill and broke the only 10/32 tap I had...gotta go to homus depos for a replacement...and I WILL get two...
AJ, I can relate; we had over 90 days of 38c-41c and my plants just shut down to maintenance levels. Now everything is busting out all over. Our winter is actually our summer (too damn hot) and our winter is our spring and summer production wise. So even here; we have a stagnant season for pod production. :crazy:

The lady I know here who was raising Thai annums (farm quantities) tore out 75% of her plants and went for another crop. Kale I think; but even she said this last year was miserable for peppers. Too hot.
Anyway, good luck.
Been the same here in northern IL...the past 3 - 4 weeks have been brutal - upper 90's with extremely high humidity. I've watched thousands of flowers drop over the past few weeks. We're just now starting to get temps back in the 80's and pod set has once again resumed :cool: Now just hoping the weather cooperates so I'll be able to harvest all these new pods instead of watching them freeze on the plant like last year :(

No one around me understands my pepper addiction either :cool:
well my tomatoes are loving the weather right now. of course the flowers are dropping as usual, humidity sucks. definitely cooling down by a couple of degrees (celsius) which is a big help. my peppers are still going...gotta repot them. been repotting quite a few ever so slowly.

of course my aerated compost applications have been a big help also.
I feel your pain, the DFW area has been pretty hot this year! I normally work 3-11pm outside and have been losing 2-3 lbs a day in water weight. It's crazy.

I thought I was the only one excited about the changing weather. I almost posted the exact same thing.101 today, but cooling off starting tomorrow and high 80's for the rest of the week. Only pods I have going now were set when the heat broke for a few days in mid July. My Lemon Drop has been setting pods in the heat then dropping them about 50% mature. Really frustrating, I think I prefer the flowers dropping like all my other plants instead of the pods.

Nice to see a change in the weather AJ. It's cooling off here as well and will drop as low as 65F this coming weekend. :shocked:

Fall is in the air. :woohoo:
I have been waiting all year for the heat as here in So cal not too far from the beach the weather has only gotten as hot as 75 and my plants have yet to produce fruit. I come back from a weekend in Vegas (107 degree heat) and 3 of my plants dropped a ton of leaves from what looks to be sun scald? Seems like the weather going from 75 - 85 in a few days was too much for the fragile plants and they didn't respond well. It's odd because my largest TS that produced several pods was actually over wintered and was hit the hardest.... You would think the plant would be able to handle the heat, but I guess not.
the weather here (netherlands) is the exact opposite. For the last month the temperature rarely got above 20 degrees celsius. Lots of rain and cloudy skies. Today it got even worse with 90 km/h wind and more rain in one day then the usual avarage for the entire month.

I hope I get to see some sun soon.
WOW! Dems some real temps :hell: 80`s now with rain the next 3 days. Supposed to drop into the high 60`s low 70`s this week.

I will not be fooled though! We got at least 1 more heat wave to go... nothing like yours though :eek: