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music What Are You Listening To Right Now?

Last week saw a new release of Akelei, a band from my own country The Netherlands. Finally!!! New work after 10 years! Their debut album is seriously one of my favorites. Yet the band is a largely obscure one.

I remember reading something about them....doom metal with lyrics sang in Dutch. On paper that is vomit inducing....really...total failure, atrocious. Most Dutch people, I'm not wrong here, generally dislike songs in Dutch. There are a few I like but that's like maybe 10...if I get that far.
But I gave this Akelei a go......thankfully I did, because this somehow worked, I loved it. Very odd at first, but yeah, I loved it.
Got into contact with their singer/guitarist too, really nice guy. And when I ordered this new ep it had a nice handwritten thank you note from him.

It's slow doom metal (of course slow) and they broadened their sound with some female voices and these 2 tracks are linked with a lengthy ambient soundscape.

Love this band.....cool they're still obscure but I would wish them more name and fame too.