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music What Are You Listening To Right Now?

Ozzy has problems talking but seems fine with the singing. I've never been a fan of the music, actually I can't name one track. But he is one funny man.
rainbowberry said:
Ozzy has problems talking but seems fine with the singing.

You can say that again! It's actually surprising that he can still sing the way he does after hearing him "talk".

Seven Mary Three - Water's edge
It's very simple, Ozzy Osbourne is perfect on stage... let's not talk about off stage. :P
My favorite band is Black Sabbath, my favorite musician is Ozzy Osbourne and my favorite song is Paranoid from, well... Black Sabbath's Paranoid album.
Hands down the best voice in rock..Chris Cornell..so I'm listening to his version of "Billy Jean".

Disturbed - Down with the Sickness
Saliva - Ladies & Gentleman?
Lightnin' Hopkins - Let me play with your poodle
James Brown - Popcorn
Albert King - Blues Power

Cheers ya'll, TB.
Well I listened to it, they're Swedish arn't they? It sounds almost Gothic to me, then again I'm not really sure what 'Gothic' music sounds like. I certainly didn't dislike it.
rainbowberry said:
Well I listened to it, they're Swedish arn't they? It sounds almost Gothic to me, then again I'm not really sure what 'Gothic' music sounds like. I certainly didn't dislike it.

Just listened on YouTube, and I agree with describing them as Gothic, because the only other thing I could come up with is rock opera.
Pam said:
Just listened on YouTube, and I agree with describing them as Gothic, because the only other thing I could come up with is rock opera.

Metal opera might be more descriptive. Now I'm listening to Dream Theater's "Hells Kitchen"; quite possibly one of the best instrumental songs ever. With my screen name, go figure :)