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What do we think killed these guys?

My last round of seedlings did this. The hooks emerged, looked fine and soon after, the leaves curled upward and the little guys died. I did have to buy new starting mix and at this time of year there is very little choice. No organic potting soil will be available for the next month or so. I'm thinking maybe too much fert in the mix? Some seedlings are doing well in the same medium and under the same conditions.   
Thanks all!
First - the soil looks too dry; is it? It shouldn't be soaking wet, but nor should it be bone-dry. What kind of light are they getting, and did they get it from the very beginning? If you started them in an area without direct sunlight, then moved them to a window with direct sun, they won't be strong enough for it yet. You have to gradually expose them to direct sun if they didn't start out in it. What else can you tell us about them?
They are all unter 32 watt T8's, about 3 to 4 inches away. As far as watering goes, after the hooks emerge, I remove them from the plastic dome container I use to germinate and set them undere the T8's. Usually a day later I bottom soak just enough so that the water is about quarter inch below the seedling. I figured, not enough to drown them but just enough for them to want to go get it?
I no longer water from the top as I have lost a lot of seedlings to damping off. I'll mist these guys and see if it helps however they are getting thinner and I always lose them once they start looking like this.
What about the potting mix I posted? Does anyone think it might be too aggressive? 
"what else can you tell us about them?"
I have little trouble with greens, habs and cherry hots but the super hots hate me. lol
Thank you
I had some of my rocotos amarillo and limo die off like this when transplanted in new medium. On my side I think it was a mix of transplant stress, light intensity and maybe gnats.
The cotys curl upward due to environmental stress, most likely lack of water. The soil does look far too dry for seedlings that small. Any time I have had damping off issues it was always with a 'seed starter' mix from the store. I would always buy whatever the store had as well, because of the time of year. Peat spaghnum mixes are unforgiving. I switched to sprouting in fox farm ocean forest and have had zero issues. 
Yes, water them thoroughly. Right now they're too tiny to have much of a root system, so you need to get water directly to them. Letting the soil surface get wet a few times doesn't hurt - it's letting it remain wet for too long that invites the fungus. Hope they pull through!
i leave my seedlings under the plastic dome until they are at least 3-4" tall. chinense varieties require humidity during their grow state. the dome over sown seeds merely helps retain heat for germination. the 2nd stage is to provide a humid condition, being here in canada, our gas furnaces rob humidity from our air, even worst if you are on electric heat. a humidifier on your furnace does provide some level of humidity but not jamaican/caribbean humidity. think of providing your summer humidity in winter that is the humid i am talking about.
i have 2 clear plastic domes the smaller 3" dome that came with the germination greenhouse and a 6". the 3" stays on until the plants touch the top of the dome, then i start using the 6", once i start using the 6", i remove it during the day and back on at night. i also remove the heat pad in the day and back on at night. i usually add a cup or so of water to the tray at night under both conditions, 3 & 6", this provides the necessary moisture and most times i only require misting the soil. but in the morning when i check my plants the top of the dome is dripping with condensation. once the second set of leaves are on the plant, the cup of water i add has a mild tomato fertilizer - usually every 3rd watering.
so here are 2 pics: first is my last batch of stragglers, choc fatalii, choc bonnet & orange hab with the dome(the other plants are tomatoes and melons). the second with the 6" dome that i use at night. i hope you can use some of this information to get you over your hurdle.

Yes, great information as usual, thank you all. The seedlings in the photos are very dead. I'll get the hang of it though.
Mallory - I hear great things about Fox Farm but it's not available here. I looked for it the last time I was in the U.S. but I guess being out of season, they don't stock it.
geeme, you always manage to explain things so perfectly! Appreciated.
BC- Come to think of it, my strongest plants all stayed under the dome until they were pushing against the cling wrap. I think i'll let them stay in a little longer from now on and maybe exchange the air more often.
It does seem like they are dried out. I'm so afraid of drowning them that I neglected them.
I spray it down quite thoroughly while mixing it just prior to sowing. I spray the top soil gently before covering with cling wrap.