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What do you do apart from chilli?

This is a cool and interesting thread...

What I do for income:
I am a Police Officer for a city of about 20,000 people as well as a part time officer for a village with about 800 people. I have been doing this line of work for about 10 years and I love what I do and feel that I make a difference, no matter how small, everyday.

Why Chili?
I think it all started about 15 years ago when I lived on a ranch in Texas and the owner and a couple of other employees played a trick on me, in the middle of no where I might add. They suckered me, the Yank from Ohio, to eat a pickled JalapeƱo. It burned, but it was great and I was hooked ever since. The cook for the ranch was Mexican and he made the best salsa and hot sauce I have ever had. Again, I was hooked from that point on.

Any Pets?
No, I have no pets. No time for them. However, I have a 3 1/2 year old daughter that keeps me hopping. :lol:

Other than growing Hot Peppers, I love riding my ATV, guns, movies, cooking, quiet times, and just about anything that is away from it all.
What I do for income:

I play online poker full-time. 10 hours/day unless i skive. 3 monitors and a 12-tabling "regular" i suppose i would be called. It's actually hard work mentally.

Why Chili?

Been eating hot food for 20+ years. Lot's of Indian food (no shortage of restaurant's in the UK)! There is one in Newcastle which has a "curry hell challange" - eat it all and you don't pay. Mission accomplished! I then found the real deal on the internet.

Hobbies: They come and go, but currently love watching anything to do with extreme weather and esp tornado's. I'm always watching the live chase cam's on the net. Oh, how i wish i lived in Kansas/Oaklahoma/Nebraska & Texas...and i know many people lose their lives.
What do you do for your main income:

Currently working for the NHL. My main profession has always been in IT, although I took a long break from that years ago because I was making plenty in my other business(Philipperv knows some about it, but I won't post it publicly)

Why chilli?

I just always loved spicy food my whole life. Ever since I was a little kid

Any Pets?

A 5 year old Boston Terrier, Benson, and a 8-9 month old rat named Lenka

Fave hobbie:

Partying around the world. Travel and partying are my mian things in life. Other than that music, both playing and listening to, anything computer related(As long as it's not Macintosh), audiophilia, chemistry, reading about any topic imaginable, and my #1 thing in life, being late for everything I do no matter how hard I try otherwise.
Main Income:

I am an out of work musician currently working in elevator construction here in Las Vegas. Pay is good but I only get half the laughs. Also former fishing guide and ex chef. As you can see from my resume, I take the term loser to a whole 'nother level.

Why chile?

Born in San Antonio, military family raised off and on in Texas. When i was in HS in the Rio Grande valley, it was only natchel' that I dig on peppers. 'Peno's first...later tepins and pequins got me really hooked!

Any Pets?

Missylou...our Aussie Shepard with about an 1/8th border collie. Smartest dog I have ever seen. mrs. blues got her to keep her company while I was guiding fisherman in Alaska a couple years ago. Guess who's dog she is now!


Don't know that I have hobbie's per se. Everything I do is more or less what I need to do just to live. I cook. I fish. I play guitars. I entertain. Take those things away...just kill me now.

Cheers, TB.