• We welcome content that is not political, divisive, or offensive. If we feel your content leans this way or has the potential to, it may be removed at any time. A hot pepper forum is not the place for such content. Thank you for respecting the community!

What have you learned from a forum

Forums have helped me tremendously.  The woman thinks I spend way too much time.  Since  forums I have learned to:
1) Grow seeds with heat mats and proper light..even without the heat mats
2) Build an Aquaponics system and maintain it
3) Build a greenhouse
4) Build top bar hives and manage bees
5) Deal with plant pests and disease
6) Fish with better baits and learn to locate them
7) Hunt with better tatics
8) Process my own deer..make sausages
9) Become a better cook
10) ID Plants and their needs
11) Grow my own stuff to cut costs on herbs/flavoring
12) Build a better garden that is less water/nutrient dependent
The list goes on.  The internet has really improved my grow and taught me things that I would have never thought of.  What have you learned?
1,5,9,10,12 also apply to me. This is the only forum I am a member of...so thank you to all the other members that share their knowledge.

A few more for me

Sourdough starter
The many different ways to use peppers
The many different types of peppers

I am sure there are many more as well.
outside of the general pepper and wealth of food related knowledge here, I utilize other forums for neighborhood news/events, photo and video tips, car stuff (repairs and diagnostics), and I taught myself Romanian using a forum in the past. 
tctenten said:
1,5,9,10,12 also apply to me. This is the only forum I am a member of...so thank you to all the other members that share their knowledge.

A few more for me

Sourdough starter
The many different ways to use peppers
The many different types of peppers

I am sure there are many more as well.
Crap...I missed the SD.  It  took me to a whole new level of bread.  Then it seemed like a waist to throw some out to keep it fresh.  Now I know that throwout makes the best pizza and pancakes.  It's all about timing now.  When to feed...when to stick in fridge...when to take it out and make pizza dough with the throw out,...then feed it.  After reading others experience I will admit it grows better in the winter with dry air....if not it's more consistent with rising needs.
The internet in general has been better than a set of Britanica encyclopedias. THP, on the otherhand, has been my portal into a world that I did not even know existed. I have learned that there are hundreds of peppers hotter than a hab. I have learned that folks from all over the world will befriend you and send you seeds and powder and hot goodies. I have learned to take a pepper from seed to powder. I have learned to pickle, sauce, paste, oil, powder, dry and ultimately love superhot pepper. I have made several friends and witnessed a bit of drama.

Scour the pages of THP and you too will find it rewarding and quite educational.
Drama is unavoidable in an internet forum.  It's easy to get offended and take things out of context.  It seems like you got to prove your point and hard to let go for some.  Some will continue the battle...some won't.   I found it was easy to disappear after making an asp....lol... and come back later.  Ego's are like timebombs.  The longer they build the longer they take to recover.
Everything i've learned is from forums...
Reef keeping top to bottom
Dart frogs, vivarium construction, care, breeding, rare plants
Cannabis, growing, hydro, LED's breeding
Planted aquaria 
If it interests me I join a forum for it. 
I've learned here that Chile Peppers don't need a lot of fertilizer.  I've also learned here how to prune plants, in order to create more nodes for pods to grow.
D3monic said:
Everything i've learned is from forums...
Reef keeping top to bottom
Dart frogs, vivarium construction, care, breeding, rare plants
Cannabis, growing, hydro, LED's breeding
Planted aquaria 
If it interests me I join a forum for it. 
You still owe us a thread about you aquariums. :pray:  Are you on MFK (Mosnter Fish Keepers) and have a thread there?
I will add keeping and identifying native fish to the list.  I started with african cichlids and was going to try salt but $30 dollar fish dying sucked.  Here in IN we are allowed to collect and raise native fish...free fish are nice.  That led to aqauponics to avoid water changes and high nitrates.  Then the peppers always had issues which led to THP.
sicman said:
I only beong to one forum. THP for life mother fucters!!!!! :onfire:  :dance:  :fireball:
My other forums are dropping like flies with drama.  Long live THP!
I thought there was a fish tank thread on here somewhere. I've had $120 fish die on me. I refuse to pay more than that but always toyed with the idea of getting candy basslets
I used to be on nano-reef, reefcentral - before my ban, plantedtank, jolietareafeefclub, a few others.

Dendroboard, dartfroggorum

Rollitup and another canna site that's eluding me atm.
I've only signed up on 4 forums (that I can remember).  2 were Baja Mexico travel related, one was GrassCity when we were looking to become a WA state processor, and the other is THP.   
GrassCity was not welcoming, I'm still a member of the 2 Baja sites and am permanently logged in to THP.  :lol:
I've learned that- just like in life there are a$$#oles on forums, and just like in life, I can ignore them...and just like in life, the other 99% of people on the forums are awesome!
I don't really know if I'd consider it something I learned from any site as much as that the exchanges of ideas made me thing of what I might play with that might work for me.
A good example is LEDS,just an example.
I came into a few $ and my fluoros just were too much work to mess with for my starts.
I grew 400 plants at a time,2x a year.
Raising and lowering lights was a dance between the slower growers getting leggy and the faster ones getting fried.
I was using 6500K T10 bulbs.
Being the way I am,I checked out all the LED info I could find along with info on the nm plants use.
MOST of the stuff posted back then FOR PEPPERS turns out to be pot site B.S.
Any way I purchase several 3 Watt LEDS,then 1 watt LEDS that data sheets said put out the same or more LM.
I now have been using 10mm and 1 watt stars for several years.
My point is,I use the internet as a way to get ideas AND THEN use them AS I UNDERSTAND these Ideas to figure out what I want to play with.
A Great guy to bump heads with is Willard about lighting.
We traded TONS of posts over the years.He is into commercial lighting,HE KNOWS HIS STUFF.
I gear my lighting for MY shelves,what works for ME.
I build my own stuff,at work.I got the $ for free and kill time at work building my lights and taking care of my plants.
A LOT different than other people.
BUT as far as LEDS go,I Know home made stuff IS more cost effective than pre made stuff from a vendor.
But my labor is paid for because I assemble my stuff at work.
If you consider you make X amount at work,AND think your labor is worth whatever.Then maybe buy a commercial Pannel.
It can NEVER be as good as what I make for my use.
I don't use drivers,each string is run at what I want it to be run at.
Maybe not the most efficient way,but my plants love it.
Actually,I did learn some recipes/spice stuff to check out.
I guess I've learned from the net that I have access to TONS OF IDEAS.
I don't usually do anything I read on the net. as posted
BUT I do use what I've read as someting to mostly play with whatever my ideas are on the subject.
I do pepper sites and fishing sites mostly.
I mostly use the internet as an exchange of possibilities of doing whatever,maybe incorporated into what I do in my life through trial and error already.