breeding What is the best chilli breed for getting a nice large bushy tree

I know this is a strange question. But my wife wants me to plant a large bush at the corner of fence as she thinks all my chilli's are a bit excessive.  You see - I love chillies and all my front and side fence gardens are chillie plants. So me being a chilli nut, I don't want to waist good garden space on a pointless shrub.
So the question is, can I meet her half way and grow a big tall shrubby looking chilli tree with colorful chillies?
Wacha all reckon?
A lot of the capsicum pubescens varieties will get huge. You might not get ripe peppers off them for a while (and they have trouble setting fruit in hotter temperatures). But they have some unique features- purple flowers, black seeds, fuzzy stems leaves. Only the superhots I've grown have gotten close to the pubescens in size.



I can hook you up mate, I have Rocoto seeds your more than welcome to. They overwinter great in Aus, probably even better in Caboolture. I have three in particular that have taken over my garden. 
These are two years old. 


Pods picked in winter.

Send me a PM and we can work it out. 
You can make any plant a bush really with continuous topping and pruning to stop the plant from growing in height and make it start growing in width. I would let the plant grow to maybe 3 or 4 feet and start topping aggressively and overwinter. That should make it what you want it to be 
I lack personal experience, but have read of wild capsicums that grow to impressive sizes. Tepins (C. annuum) get taller than a man when frost doesn't cause dieback. Some of the baccatum/praetermissum types have 2 or 3 colors to each flower. Rocopias are also worth considering, similar to C. pubescens.
AaronTT said:
You mean like this?
After watching this video, I think I have no other option but to grow the Dorset Naga. Now to look and see if I have these..
yep, mine grew like crazy too. I pruned it several times to save my small greenhouse :) and powder is a killer !
Thought y'all would like to know, the Rocoto plants I posted earlier are currently 150cm/4.9ft tall. I don't think the photo does it justice. 
My rocoto hit about 10 - 12' before I had to top it since it was hitting the roof. I posted it in someone's manzano glog?
Impressive vids, although my aim is not to greenhouse them, but have a hardy, tree like plant that can do my front fence garden justice where its very sunny with no shelter. But in saying that, I'm still impressed with what these posts have shown (how could I not be). I have an old post that shows a chock hab that cleared 7 feet, but it was in a pampered well sheltered garden.