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What is this???

I was camping this weekend at a friends cabin and her family had left a bowl of these tiny red peppers there that was given to me. She said that a relative got them in Arizona and said it was a tortilla pepper but I have never heard of such thing. I tried one of them and they are extremely hot!!!! I gave one to a fellow camper and he was in extreme pain for about 5 minutes. Anyways here is a pic of the lil devils, any help will be appreciated! :dance:

I was camping this weekend at a friends cabin and her family had left a bowl of these tiny red peppers there that was given to me. She said that a relative got them in Arizona and said it was a tortilla pepper but I have never heard of such thing. I tried one of them and they are extremely hot!!!! I gave one to a fellow camper and he was in extreme pain for about 5 minutes. Anyways here is a pic of the lil devils, any help will be appreciated! :dance:


Chile tepin.
Ha ha, Tepins actually cause me more discomfort than Bih Jolokias. The burn is very instantaneous, concentrated and intense.
In Mexico, the flavor is described as 'arrebatado', which means: although it is extremely hot the sensation dissappears easily and rapidly.
It is very intense for the first few minutes but easily dissapears. When I tried one and people were asking me if it was hot I was surprised at first to say Yes very! but the burn does not spread like it would with a hab or bhut it just stays where the pepper had contact. I didnt get too much flavor with it just intense burn for about 3 or 4 minutes. Does anyone have good uses for these? I have a boatload and plan to grow a few from the seeds. Also are these a fast growing plant? I wasnt sure if I had enough time this season to get a fully developed plant before the first frost.
In Mexico, the flavor is described as 'arrebatado', which means: although it is extremely hot the sensation dissappears easily and rapidly.

that is also a reference to the little endorphin kick you get from the heat.
in many other dialects, arrebatado has come to mean "in a drugged high and out of touch with reality".
It is very intense for the first few minutes but easily dissapears. When I tried one and people were asking me if it was hot I was surprised at first to say Yes very! but the burn does not spread like it would with a hab or bhut it just stays where the pepper had contact. I didnt get too much flavor with it just intense burn for about 3 or 4 minutes. Does anyone have good uses for these? I have a boatload and plan to grow a few from the seeds. Also are these a fast growing plant? I wasnt sure if I had enough time this season to get a fully developed plant before the first frost.

it's supposed to be a really god pod for making sauce.
I grow many small chiles and keep them dried on the table and crush them on my food.....wash your hands after dinner.
