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What Mistakes Have You Made This Season?

I am guilty of frying my seedlings as well. As soon as I had some hooks I stuck them in the sun.... It was shortly there after I no longer had seedlings.

I just planted some more about 14 days ago, so I have some more poppin. Good thing I don't have to race the growing season here.
Left someone else in charge of watering for a few days while I went to help a relative. I called to ask about the plants and they said "That's not my job." Lost a Primo, my only tobasco, and another I don't remember off hand, completely dried up.
Didn't drill holes big enough in my solo cups. Having some minor issues with uneven uptake of water when I bottom water. Some holes are clear, some are blocked. Have had to top water on those, resulting in some gnat problems.
I'm perhaps in the process of a mistake. I've had my peppers in solo cups now for about a week, and already the roots are coming out the bottom! I can't put them outside yet, can't re-pot into bigger containers indoors because I don't have the light. Aya!
Another thing i may have done wrong was not planting into pre moistened soil. i waited until putting the seeds in the soil before watering. This is just a theory of mine but i think when i watered afterward the seeds may have gone deeper than they should have by having the soil compact and drag the seeds really low below the surface. This is my take on super low germination rates. Does this sound right to anyone else?
Another thing i may have done wrong was not planting into pre moistened soil. i waited until putting the seeds in the soil before watering. This is just a theory of mine but i think when i watered afterward the seeds may have gone deeper than they should have by having the soil compact and drag the seeds really low below the surface. This is my take on super low germination rates. Does this sound right to anyone else?

Yes. I've done that in years past, and I suspected the watering carried my radishes and turnips too deep to sprout.
I started plants too close to a HUGE window. I thought it would be beneficial to have the sun from a 12-foot floor-to-ceiling window supplementing my grow lights. The Pennsylvania winter gave little sun, but lots of cold. End result = slowed growth due to cold temps. Next year, my plants will be in a warmer room away from all drafts.
First i was being cheap and got shultz potting soil. Ended up with leaf curl on a few plants cause of it... Secondly i didn't set a budget and have spent lots of money on things that weren't expected. Next year I'll have everything i need i hope but defiantly gonna decide on how much a month i can spend and stick to it.
Planted seeds in trays in dry jiffy mix and then watered from the top, put a shop light on top of the plastic hood as soon as seedlings came up, let trays dry out for too long, pulled on my power strip and made some lights fall and knocked a bunch of shit over. Improper labels, too much manure in my outside ground planting area, The list goes on. 1st year.
Used some really cheap potting mix that I had left over from last year because I was too cheap/lazy to buy new. Lead to deficiencies of P, K and trace elements so I added some nutes which in turn lead to N-burn with 3-5 plants still having problem growing healthy new leaves...

On the upside it topped one of my 7pots for me making it bushy as hell!
First year with pepper seedlings for me.

Started annums too early, and everything else too late.
Overuse of coir, especially in sprouting medium.
Couldn't keep my grow area warm enough early on.

to be continued....
Sterilised everything except seeds, used sterilised Reverse Osmosis -purified water. I put seeds in a sterile Jiffy 72-well tray with moistened jiffy seed starter mix with added perlite. Got great germination in a big incubator I had (yep, sterilised). Set them at 80°, 75% humidity and no lights, but with a circulating fan. After a week, when most had germinated I put grow lights about 12" from the top of the seedlings. Watched them like a hawk and sprayed them down daily. I sowed Feb.13th and today a few have their first true leaves. Not looking strong though and should be heaps bigger.

I took apart one of the cells and the only water was in the top 1", with all the roots, of course. I was being so careful I didn`t water the bloody things from the bottom!!! :rolleyes:
Lost a couple plants due to the gnats...but I do have a few extras...

A few. ....:).
I too was guilty of frying the cells. My mistake right now is not planting enough siling Labuyo (3). All three are struggling. What kind of Filipino am I not having any siling Labuyo this year. Haahah.

Another mistake was cloning manzano and not washing them thoroughly. Brought aphids to my aerogarden which is the reason why u have one. To grow inside without pest!!! Well I've been fighting with them since.
Made potting mixes several different ways and then watered them all the same. Over watered. My first 36 plants are untagged I forget whats.
Not my fault but i was forced to move my grow box from my house to my -cold- garage... Things are moving awfully slower than past year...


Oh also I too am having labeling issues. I labeled them originally, but as I transferred from seedling area labels got misplaced, mixed up, or forgotten all together. I have a few that are a potential tossup between a couple different possible varieties. I have some that are just going to be straight up mystery peppers.
The potting soils I've made from scatch have been by far inferior to some store-bought. I switched lately to Miracle Grow Moisture Control for potting up seedlings. It's non-organic, but the growth difference so far is dramatic. I've been told that Happy Frog Potting Soil is almost as good. It's organic.