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What peppers didn't grow well for you?

This year I had problems with several varieties including:giant white hab, concho, chimayo, Numex sunset, and Numex pinata.
Its the second poor year for the pinata, chimayo, and the giant white.
What did poorly for you this year and do you know why? My problems this year were generally either aphid or weather related but also some unpure strains(Chimayo).
NuMex Pinata...very yellow looking plants and the fruit were very small...won't grow them next year...

Thai Reds....I think they got the seeds mixed up at the factory and sent Thai Suns instead...they were very small...less than 1 cm
Have had great luck with my Habs,red,peach and orange.My datils are doing nicebut...have 3 scorps that are sooo long behind I can`t believe it.Plants are damn near 4 feet tall loaded with pods but slowwwww as hell.
Most of my problems due to the wet cold spring and early summer we had. Some peppers I won't grow again, hot apple for one..tasted okay but nothing outstanding. Beaver Dam was good for a milder pepper. Guess it's individual tastes.
Jalapeno TAM was a real loser. They wouldn't fruit and were susceptible to every little thing. My pequins are doing excellent and just starting to fruit.

Cheers, TB.
Well I had 4 Big Bertha (Bell Pepper) that sucked big time that was due weather (they were in my garden and I also had a bad year with a few Hot peppers like a Habanero, cayenne, jalapeno, hot banana that were all in the garden I did get a few off of the Habanero, cayenne, jalapeno, hot banana But the Bell Peppers nada, zilch, Zero I think that may just about cover it :lol:
All my bell peppers did terrible. I got a total of five from three plants. None of them were very large, about the size of a small apple, and they didnt taste very good.
Most plants did pretty well, some took a bit long to ripen though, so I'll start these earlier than others next season. I wouldn't call any variety a true disappointment really...
My anaheim Numex were very heavy producers this year -- but my Red Bell Hybrid sucked ass -- a lot didnt make it out of the gate in Feb this year
Pasilla Bajio didn't grow well... I also thought the flavor wasn't very good and I couldn't really tell when they were ripe...

Although, I'm thinking about giving them another shot after seeing that alot of you liked them.
Potawie -- they look similar to Joe Parker or the 6-4 - I will check when I get home. They are very mild and very good roasted,fried and stuffed. I stuff the smaller ones as these do get very big (nearly Big Jim size) I would say in the 8-10" range. I didnt pay attention to which they were other than Numex Anaheim. Sorry
Most of my peppers did fine. I had three orange habs that only produced a single pepper apiece. And the Jalapenos never took off - 7 plants all stunted with 3 or 4 peppers each....and only now starting to turn red. With limited garden space, it makes sense to stick to more prolific plants. My best were the Hot Paper Lanterns! 20 to 30 pods on each of three plants and early to mature - I've been picking one or two most days to throw into my dinner since mid-August.

Good thread. Thanks!
I had difficulty with all my plants... mainly because my cat thought they were there for his enjoyment, he killed most of them... the ones that survived were never the same..
Where shall I start...

Yellow Scotch Bonnet
Orange Scotch Bonnet
Red Savina (bug issue)
Yellow Rocoto
Cayenne (for some reason I am not capable of growing Cayennes)
Jamaican Red Hot
Jamaican Yellow Hot
Hinkle Hatz