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preservation What vinegars?

I'm starting to try different vinegers in my home-made sauces and was hoping for suggestions. My brazilian buddy uses cachaça a lot, but I have no idea what that is. Any help would be appreciated.
I can't believe it hasn't been mentioned yet... my favorite in terms of smoothness and taste is malt vinegar, it is excellent!

However I do keep apple cider vinegar, white wine, and red wine vinegar on hand too. I also have basalmic but haven't used it in any sauces yet. As I said my favorite is malt vinegar but I use more distilled white vinegar in terms of quantity. Malt vinegar if my favorite but it doesn't necessarily go with every recipe. My last sauce used my jalapeno mash which had a nice amount of lactic acid in it; I used white vinegar there and it balanced nicely.
Never tried the Malt vinegar or Rice vinegar. Going to try the rice vinegar in a Hab/Red Jamacian sauce I'm planning on making a little later. I alaways use plain white distilled vinegar and lime juice 50/50 mix. (sometimes throwing in some orange juice or other "ade" juice, recently used 3 fresh squeezed pomagrantes in a sauce and it was great!"
I've also made a Hot mustard sauce without any vinegar added to it and it was really thick. next time gonna add a little vinegar to it.
There's 2 rice vinegars, original/regular and Seasoned. They are both nice, but do have a little different flavors. Just something to watch for when you grab a bottle off the store shelf.