What will you be growing next season?

ShowMeDaSauce said:
Added some TFMs and big brown bhuts from Trent to the list. Probably need to drop 2-4 from the previous list now. Chocolate bonnets will probably need to wait again. I may devote an entire small raised bed for them nasty big brown bhuts. :D
Do your Mucho Nacho's have any heat..at all?
Mine were sweeter than tupelo honey.
Will be taking my indoor plants (3x Tombstone Ghost, 2x Trinidad Moruga Scorpion, 2x Carolina Reaper). I'm not certain whether I should start them now or closer to March/April based on strain, but 2019 will have:
Santa Fe Grande
Hangjiao #9 - Big Bang
Brazilian Starfish Orange
Stavros Pepperoncini
Aji Pineapple
Bishop's Crown
Sugar Rush Peach
Pink Tiger x Peach Bhut (Thin pheno from WHP)
Primo x Lemon Drop
CGN 21500
I might add some more into the mix when this SASE offer I was in arrives.

For the garden we will be planting quite a bit, putting in a persimmon tree. I still have to plan our medicinal herb and flower garden. Will have to germinate rosemary, artichokes, ground Cherry's, tomatillos, basil, brocolli, marigolds, arugula, red butterhead lettuce, lacinto kale, and red Rock cabbage. Have onions and garlic overwintering now. The list of direct seen vegetables and fruits isn't handy for me, but we will probably double our tilled garden space at the beginning of spring, will have to report back later with the final list lol.
Manzano Rojo (C. Pubescens) - will try to grow 30 bushes this year. This is my favorite hot pepper ever and it also fruits very well in southern Finland due to the cool nights and warm days during late-spring and early-summer. I had about 30 x 50-80 gram pods from one plant last year and now have enough seeds to last me a lifetime :-) Although I have lots of C. Pubescens cultivar seeds, I will probably stick to Manzano Rojo to avoid any chance of cross-pollination.
My wife has started crossing Carolina Reaper and Chocolate Scotch Bonnet. Let's see how that goes. Maybe 5 bushes, need to start them tomorrow or so.
Apache I grow every year, without fail.
Now that the 2019 season is going I'm already starting to think about the 2020 season :D
I know that it's still far off and a lot may change in the mean time...
Recently I found an article on the web about traditional New Mexican chili varieties (https://www.atlasobscura.com/articles/best-chile-peppers-new-mexico). The article also mentions Jim Duffy. The article got me hooked and I started looking for seeds. It turns out that Refining Fire Chiles has several varieties available, with a whole page dedicated to the subject (https://www.superhotchiles.com/native-chiles/). I actually just found out that I received some of these varieties as freebies with an order from RFC, varieties that I first didn't even care about at all! :D I promptly put some of those seeds in the soil ;)
GrumpyPepper said:
Manganji sweet
Jumping in way late because this is the only recent mention of manganji on THP... have you had any luck with this? Thinking of ordering some but it'd be great to have some input from someone who's actually grown them.
For the 2020 season already! :D
MarcV said:
For the 2020 season already! :D
Some fabulous varieties right there!  I've grown several of them.  I really like those native pueblo varieties you've got.
I think I started thinking about 2020 back in January, when I was starting seeds for 2019. I guess that's just the nature of our disease. I was thinking I need to reduce the total number of varieties I'm growing; mainly, I want to simplify things but I also got some bad news re: 2020. My local community garden might get sold off developers, which would cut down my space considerably...

So, that being said, I need to cut down my long-ass list to a comparatively short list of favorites. But, I gotta keep things bubbling and try new shit. I'll probably focus on stuff I couldn't get to germinate this year (Pasilla Negra, Puya...) Also, I been fascinated with these Chilhuacles, but I'm a bit concerned that they are some real diva chiles.... But, yeah, the bulk of my space will be dedicated to Scotch Bonnets, Zapotec Jalapeños, some preferred SuperHots, and enough low-heat Hab-types to keep my mom happy...
Harry_Dangler said:
Some fabulous varieties right there!  I've grown several of them.  I really like those native pueblo varieties you've got.
Yeah... started reading about them and now I want to grow them all. But I will have to make a selection unfortunately...
Bicycle808 said:
I think I started thinking about 2020 back in January, when I was starting seeds for 2019. I guess that's just the nature of our disease. I was thinking I need to reduce the total number of varieties I'm growing; mainly, I want to simplify things but I also got some bad news re: 2020. My local community garden might get sold off developers, which would cut down my space considerably...

So, that being said, I need to cut down my long-ass list to a comparatively short list of favorites. But, I gotta keep things bubbling and try new shit. I'll probably focus on stuff I couldn't get to germinate this year (Pasilla Negra, Puya...) Also, I been fascinated with these Chilhuacles, but I'm a bit concerned that they are some real diva chiles.... But, yeah, the bulk of my space will be dedicated to Scotch Bonnets, Zapotec Jalapeños, some preferred SuperHots, and enough low-heat Hab-types to keep my mom happy...
You need to stop those developers right away!  :evil: