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What Will You Do If...........


Yesterday, I spent most part of the day in clinics and labs. After a great many tests of blood , urine, x rays and CT Scans, 

my doc seems to be of the view that I might be having some form of cancer .

This is because I have lost 13 punds of weight in last 6 months.

All tests will conclude by 2nd August. A clear picture will emerge then.

(My paternal side of the family has atleast 8 cases of cancer in males in last 40 years)

Physical exam of prostrate showed 1 cm growth. Now we have to check by scan if it is stones or cancerous growth.

Stomach exams and tests are to follow.

At the end of the day, I found  myself calmer than usual and slept more peacefully.

Modern medicines have almost not got any cure for cancer.

I am planning a strategy to go natural way to fight if there is any cancer.

If any of you have experience, knowledge of alternative, natural therapies, please share with me.

I intend to be my usual jovial self as I have never been afraid of anything in life .


Yesterday, I spent most part of the day in clinics and labs. After a great many tests of blood , urine, x rays and CT Scans, 

my doc seems to be of the view that I might be having some form of cancer .

This is because I have lost 13 punds of weight in last 6 months.

All tests will conclude by 2nd August. A clear picture will emerge then.

(My paternal side of the family has atleast 8 cases of cancer in males in last 40 years)

Physical exam of prostrate showed 1 cm growth. Now we have to check by scan if it is stones or cancerous growth.

Stomach exams and tests are to follow.

At the end of the day, I found  myself calmer than usual and slept more peacefully.

Modern medicines have almost not got any cure for cancer.

I am planning a strategy to go natural way to fight if there is any cancer.

If any of you have experience, knowledge of alternative, natural therapies, please share with me.

I intend to be my usual jovial self as I have never been afraid of anything in life .


There is nothing un-natural about synthesizing cures for ailments, it's just that we've outsourced them to big pharma instead of our local witch doctors and priests as it was done in the past.

There is a lot of progress being done with drug delivery systems, and targeted cures; a huge group of my college graduating class went into that sort of research, so essentially, I get really interesting chats when we cross paths around here. There is a lot of hope, especially in clinical trials.

My ex-gf, who went through Hodgkins lymphoma treatment using chemotherapy, had a lot of harsh words to say about "natural remedies". I kind of agreed with her. Basically came down to 5 months of horrible sickness followed by something close to a normal life, or just rolling the dice and possibly dying. While everything in life is a roll of the dice, stacking the odds in your favor should be your goal.

I say look into actual statistics. Find someone who can break down the data for you if you're not comfortable doing it yourself (Getting second opinions works, as long as you don't have an agenda regarding the nature of your treatment). Do not make assumptions about the state of modern medicine without reading through the current breakthroughs we're nearing or have recently accomplished.

Best of luck, sir.
Best of luck.
Keep your chin up.
And best of luck again.
My ex-gf, who went through Hodgkins lymphoma treatment using chemotherapy, had a lot of harsh words to say about "natural remedies". I kind of agreed with her.

First, Kcuf Recnac!

I had stage-III Hodgkin's in 2001. I, too recommend chemo and radiation over any natural/homeopathic suggestion.

Treatments vary depending on the cancer. Almost all are targeted in some manner to do the most good, talk it over with your doctor/oncologist, and participate in your cure. Mine was very treatable, and I did not feel like my life was imminently ending at any stage. I treated Chemo like the worst hangovers I'd ever had - a major annoyance, but not something to slow me down.

As for prostate cancer - I would like to stress that everything I have seen says you are more likely to die with prostate cancer than because of prostate cancer. It's a treatable, manageable disease in most cases. Again, discuss with your doctor.

Get a specialist, and get more than one medical opinion from more than one source.

And, in answer to your question, if I learned I had six months to live, I probably would go steal an F-15 for a joyride.
First, Kcuf Recnac!

I had stage-III Hodgkin's in 2001. I, too recommend chemo and radiation over any natural/homeopathic suggestion.

Treatments vary depending on the cancer. Almost all are targeted in some manner to do the most good, talk it over with your doctor/oncologist, and participate in your cure. Mine was very treatable, and I did not feel like my life was imminently ending at any stage. I treated Chemo like the worst hangovers I'd ever had - a major annoyance, but not something to slow me down.

As for prostate cancer - I would like to stress that everything I have seen says you are more likely to die with prostate cancer than because of prostate cancer. It's a treatable, manageable disease in most cases. Again, discuss with your doctor.

Get a specialist, and get more than one medical opinion from more than one source.

And, in answer to your question, if I learned I had six months to live, I probably would go steal an F-15 for a joyride.

heh, you were lucky. and so was she, hers actually metastasized (sp?) to her lungs at one point. chemo knocked her out of existence for a day and a morning, but in the end, it seems to to have worked out for her.
I sent some Ideas to NJA in a private post. I have had friends and family that lived through cancer, and friends and family that died of cancer. In both the natural remedy and modern medicine categories. My mother had a German doctor as a primary care who was trained both in modern medicine and homeopathics, and naturopathics. She also went to the best Women's Cancer Treatment Center in our area. She had a lumpectomy, Chemo and Radiation Therapies, some herbal medicine and some holistic therapies- (because your attitude and outlook, modern medical practitioners have discovered, really does make a difference). She was well informed and choose her therapies. It has been 7 years since she was initially diagnosed and she is free of cancer.

I say, choose to live your life every day, in whatever way that means to you. The moment you say you are dying- you really are. Which is okay too, when that is what you want. But until dying seems like a better option, I'll always choose to live my life to the fullest I can.

NJA I dont know you well but I like what I know- so I hope that you live as long and happily as you choose.
really sorry to hear you're unwell mate. I hope they find something that accounts for your drop in weight without being serious.
Further tests done are not encouraging. Today Thyroid scan, Chest and stomach scans are being done.


On the contrary, I feel calm and at peace.

Thank you friends for your words of encouragement.

Willpost more to day evening.

NJA,I have no words of wisdom, just wait until all the information is back. I am a cancer survivor, 38 years now, my feelings were once I knew what was going on I could deal with it. Medicine has improved a lot in the past few years and some forms of cancer are treated with very good success rates. Yes it's a personal decision how you will deal with the problem and what type of treatment you will use. I will be watching for updates soon as you know more.

I deeply appreciate and thank all of you for being with me for the last so many days.

I am happy to inform you guys that my CT Scan and biopsy revealed tumor but it was benign in my Thyrox.

The node which is 1" big is not cancerous.

My weightloss and debilation was/is due to hyper thyroid function.

So far so good.

I am yet to get tests and biopsy (if needed 0 for my prostrate nodule which is about 1 cm thick.

Once those results are known (August), I can breath easy.

Not that I am afraid, it removes a weight from children's hearts and head.

I once again thank all of you.

I will be recuperating in Boston at my daughter's home.


hey NJA,

hope you're doing ok.. glad the tests are sort of ok.. my dad had thyroid cancer and they just chopped it out and now he's fine.. hope all ends up well for you.

take care,

I like posts with a great outcome. :cheers: I'm amazed at the calmness of your posts.

As for what I would do, except for not buying green bananas, I'm not sure. I guess a lot would depend on what the diagnosis was. I've known too many people who tried to fight the good fight against odds they could not overcome and while they lived a few weeks or even months longer than expected, their quality of life was not worth it, IMO.

Hopefully, you'll be growing peppers for a few more decades!

hey NJA,

hope you're doing ok.. glad the tests are sort of ok.. my dad had thyroid cancer and they just chopped it out and now he's fine.. hope all ends up well for you.

take care,

"Just chopped it out", only an aussie chick would say that! :lol:

Best wishes NJA, may your soul rest in peppers!
Thnk you buddies.

I am fighting a grater battel with my family members about Hot peppers than with tumors.

They think the the root cause of all my problems is Hot peppers.

I am fighting tooth and nail on this issue.

I know I am right.

I am not the one to shed tears and sit in a corner worrying about cancer.

I will fight it out  cancer or no cancer.
