What's going on with these leaves?


There's a fan on them from time to time. The ajis are tall for some reason. The others aren't really spindly at all.
Was wondering what the yellowed notch on the edges and seemingly necrotic yellow hole with black tissue are. Doesn't seem to be over fert to me
How strong are your lights? Do you top water? I've burned holes in my leaves before; the drops of water act as a magnifying glass. Looked just about like that.
Yellow tips/edges with dark green leaves can be caused by excess nitrogen, overwatering, or not enough aeration in the soil (too compact). If you say Nitrogen is OK (you test it? you can get a kit at walmart or menards/lowes/etc)... then look at overwatering or whether your soil is compactified...
4 T5 6500k
Yes but I avoid the leaves
Nitrogen is low. I used tomato tone which I think is a 4% nitrogen. I figured that I could use more nitrogen since the new leaves on some of the plants, especially the chinenses were yellow. I haven't added any yet. This issue is odd, because it is happening on an Aji, a Jalapeno, and a red habanero. That would lead me to believe it's a disease. The soil is a very light organic potting mixture and I don't over water.