What's happening here?

Hi guys, not sure what's going on with this Habanero. Any advice? It was looking perfect one day, then the next it was all wilted.
New foliage looks fine.
(Sorry for the blurriness)


Thanks in advance
No, no ferts. It was really dry, and I gave it a water last night thinking it was just wilted. But it hasn't improved much. I've been really careful with watering. I often think I under water.
It was quite cool yesterday compared to recent days, so that probably didn't help with water drying off.
Do you have holes in the bottem of that cup. You could be drowning the roots. Just a thought

Whats going on with ur leaf there?
Yeah, it's got drain holes, but I've been trying my best at watering only when it looks like it needs it. And usually that's when it's starting to look a little droopy. Normally it'd pick up after a couple hours.
That leaf was exposed to too much direct sun when I was attempting to harden. It picked up really well after that and has been going great guns. It's my first year growing though, so I don't know what I'm really looking at. But, learning experiences and all that jazz.
Kauai1984 said:
Dont panic it just Looks wet... Pot it up in some good soil and it will bounce back strong.
Cheers. I'm heading off for the weekend, but I'll get it potted up on Sunday when I get back. Hopefully it holds on.
ZOMG!!! there's a f'n PAC MAN in the cup!!!!  Dude, you're f'kd!
And... It's got purple zombie death syphillis disease!  Ur gonna have to burn it and all the plants in the house and anything else that has the colour purple!
And those cups are .25mm to wide at the top for optimum growth.  And the angle you are holding the plant on the second shot scares the chilli into hibernation mode.
And your soil is too brown.  It needs to be more caramel and burnt orange.
The second picture does look a little wilted and droopy compared to the first picture (back off the water just a little bit), but in general I agree with Sarge that the plant seems to be generally thriving.
As others point out, there has been some leaf drop from the first couple of nodes.  This is generally expected as part of the plant's natural history.
I think the remedy here is patience. If it continues to progress, you can expect some blooms in a couple of months. 
It might be temperature or light related. Mine sometimes did this but spring right up in the morning.
And all was right in the world :party:

Thanks guys. I guess next time I'll just walk away and come back in a couple days haha.