What's happening with these leaves?

so peppers had been looking really healthy up until recently.


and more extreme

now, i'm aware that people might just shout 'over watering' straight away. i am watering my plants only when they are dehydrated. weather is often above 35 in the day and around or barely below 30 c at night. they need water every few days.

i am also aware that old leaves fall off. but leaves are turning like this on plants that are not exactly well endowed in leaves to begin with.

could this be that the sunlight is too much for them? my 7 pots in the shade are looking pretty magnificent and a beautiful racing green colour on their leaves.
i've been feeding them a 6-10-10 fert lately. and a 5-5-5 before that, once every ten days. i've also been spraying epsom salts at 1tbsp per gal once every ten days.

soil is really well draining.

so my usual check list is all ticked and i'm stumped why leaves are looking like this.

Any ideas what may do this?

they've been getting it. and gave them a seaweed and epsom salts spray 3 days ago. 

if it's the unanimous decision though, i'll give them some more
they get plenty of epsom. nitrogen, i think they are gettin a fair amount for flowering stage. but they might have other ideas in this humidity (been hanging around85-90% this week). hadn't got any other signs of calcium deficiency. i could always give them some dolomitic lime next watering, but i don't wanna saturate the soil in a panic
Is the plant fruiting yet? Maybe its a little root bound? Or wants to be fed a little more? I had a ButchT that was doing that last yr indoors and I took it outside and it pretty much stopped. Leaf loss is natural. You may want to up your ferts a little
megahot said:
I echo Redtails response
mm i know hwere you guys are coming from. i've had plants before but this is my first year from seed. i know lower leaf drop well and i'm pretty good at ignoring every wrinkle and blemish on a plant. but this is pretty writhe right now. genuinely worried that i'm gonna  lose my dorset naga 

megahot said:
Is the plant fruiting yet? Maybe its a little root bound? Or wants to be fed a little more? I had a ButchT that was doing that last yr indoors and I took it outside and it pretty much stopped. Leaf loss is natural. You may want to up your ferts a little
not fruiting. it's been too hot/ i didn't get plant outside early enough.. the summer here just fries the flowers. they drop off and i think a chilli set, when really the petals just got torched.
it's more  humid and overcast recently so i might get some luck, but judging from last year, it starts to pick up with pods in september
I would say nitrogen deficient. Nutes may be there but not getting to plant for some reason. What kind of fertilizer are you using. Had one of my Reapers was looking like that hit it with some Alaskan fish fertilizer and it came around pretty quick. Ph in soil could be off if used a good bit of chem fertilizer may be a lot of salt in soil too. I would try some fish fertilizer first if that did not work I would flush the soil with lots of water and start over on the nutes. Just my thoughts.

Nitrogen deficiency is not going to show in various, sporadic leaf drop. That's just not how N deficiency presents itself. Are these in ground plants? I would speculate with Megahot (if they are in containers) that they might want a bigger home. It sounds like you are taking care of them on the nute and water schedule. I wouldn't worry about a few leaves falling off, unless you're missing like 70% or more and still dropping. Plants can loose all of their leaves and still live on bushing out and sprouting tons of new growth. Did it get shocked somehow? Was there a really windy day? There are many things that you might not have thought of that could cause sporadic leaf drop. 
Cheers for the input everyone!

I'm gonna give them some extra nitrogen and move them into the shade for a couple of days I think.

I'd love to give them bigger pots, but I can't with my setup
FreeportBum said:
any chance your over watering? or they are getting over watered?
cleared that up in my opening statement -no.

here's a pic of the whole plant.

it's not the only one affected but it's the one the leaf photos were taken from.

i think the heat is just battering them. i've moved my bhut and ghost scorpion into the shade to see if they benefit from it.
