Whats this on my rocoto leaves?

Hey thanks guys I'd never heard of that, Ill stop giving them so much attention! I initially had a problem with the soil drying out too quickly as i put too much sand in the mix and remedied this with a top dressing of vermiculite. Everything else seems to be fine so maybe the rocotos prefer in a bit dryer or are more susceptible to edema.
benny360 said:
Hey thanks guys I'd never heard of that, Ill stop giving them so much attention! I initially had a problem with the soil drying out too quickly as i put too much sand in the mix and remedied this with a top dressing of vermiculite. Everything else seems to be fine so maybe the rocotos prefer in a bit dryer or are more susceptible to edema.
I always let my the soil for my rocoto plants dry out between waterings, unless they are flowering. They seem to set pods better when the soil stays relatively moist.