seeds where can I get manzano seeds?

I would really like to grow manzano peppers this year, but I keep finding contradicting info on the web. I already have seeds for two types of pubescens: roccoto yellow and roccoto peru cusco from two different sources, but I really want to try to grow beside them the manzano chile. 
I am looking for the big, thick walled, black seed, round south american pepper. I don't care that much about the color (most pictures I've seen of them are orange). Does any one know where can I get seeds for something like that? I see a lot of places advertising roccoto as manzano and locoto as being the same thing, so I just want to make sure.
I just purchased some Manzanos in the produce aisle of Herradera Market here in Tucson.  It is a Latino market that occasionally carries them.  These are yellow-orange in color, and are commercial.  They are NOT the Peruvian Rocotos (as I have a package of frozen Rocotos from Peru as well) but are similar except not as hot.  I can seed them if you like.  Let me know.
If anyone could send some seeds that would be great (commercial, or not), but I live in Europe, so sending them from USA could be more complicated...
Thanks and happy new year!
I bought some beautiful manzanos at the local flea market and am currently trying to germinate the seeds.  I wouldn't send the seeds I have until they prove viable.
ebh said:
If anyone could send some seeds that would be great (commercial, or not), but I live in Europe, so sending them from USA could be more complicated...
Thanks and happy new year!
Complicated how?  On our end or on yours?