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seeds Where do you guys get your seeds?

I got my Bhuts from the New Mexico Chili Pepper Institute. I hear they're reputable and this plant is definitely a Bhut. But are there sources that carry a wider variety? I used to think that NMCPI had a wide variety but half of their stock is NuMex and the other half is mostly generic super hots and ornamentals. Anyone know of good places (this site?) where I can get non-hybrid seeds?
Ummm... here... THP members have been generous ..

pm me for a sasbe package of surplus....


I offer up trades and do quite well.
Most people are willing to trade for something they don't have. And If you trade there is no need to send a SABE, just send them theirs and wait for yours.

Give us a list of stuff you are looking for, and a list of stuff you have. Then we can make offers for trades. Some times members just send them without trades.

I feel like if you have received a lot from THP'ers for free maybe you need to pay it forward and do the same. Come to think of it, that's me :rolleyes: What do you need?
I'm looking for anything really. Habs, (savina, white, regular orange, peach), fatilii, bird's eye, 7 Pot, Scorpions, Cayenne, Tabasco and chocolate strain peppers. Unfortunately all I have to trade are organic jalapenos and (pretty soon) NMCPI Bhut Jolokias.
Assuming my plants survive, which I think they will despite my best efforts, ill have some Thai ornamental (not as strong as regular bird I think) and some regular habs later I'm the season if you'd like to trade eventually.
You came to the right place for seeds! THP is where I've gotten 90% of my seeds! You can get seeds from vendors on THP, do seed trades, or take a ride on the seed train sasbe, ( which I need to try.)
If you are ok with seeds outside the U.S there is Neil at Hippyseed.com
You came to the right place for seeds! THP is where I've gotten 90% of my seeds! You can get seeds from vendors on THP, do seed trades, or take a ride on the seed train sasbe, ( which I need to try.)
If you are ok with seeds outside the U.S there is Neil at Hippyseed.com

As long as they're reliable seeds, I'm up for anything. What's this sasbe I keep hearing about? I've checked the vendors here, but I'm guessing there will be more than just California Reapers after harvest this summer.
Just missed my giveaway, more will follow in the fall.
SASBE is in a sticky---how to do it properly.

I have bought good seeds from vendors with good reviews, from members, and a goodly supply from buying pods I wanted to try and saved the seeds.

For an obsessive hobby, it's a fairly cheap one.

IF you live in a good climate down south.

It starts to get expensive when you try to grow in a colder climate and need all sorts of "accessories".
Pepper Joe and Pepperlover are good places to purchase good seed, IMHO.
Pepper Joe has a better web layout.

As for "relaible seeds", I have a good selection of various types---almost all 7 pot varieties----but as most of those came from pods I purchased, I won't know till later in the year if any or some--or all---grow true.
Actually, if there isn't a board specifically for this, if anyone wants to trade me at the end of the season or is willing to sabse pm me. I don't have any cool super hot varieties but if I can get some I will give many back to the community once I proliferate them. unlike me, my fam likes things fairly mild so I cut the seeds out 70% of the time.

Here's my paltry lineup (hope mild n semi spicies allowed here): orange hab, ornamental Thai Birdseye (seems to be prolific with the branching and leafing without any topping or fiming, supposedly not as hot as some other birds eyes, but the pods grow upwards and put on quite a show I hear), cubanelle, Carmen, and the standard red chili pepper I guess? Not totally sure of origins on that last one although its growth definitely indicates an annuum.
I got my first seed from Old Barn Nursery, and I'm very happy with them.

I have yet to order from pepperlover or pepper Joe's, but I've heard a lot of good stuff about them.

, Vegas
My top go to's are:

People on this forum for sure!

Rainbow Chili Seeds

Thats just off the top of my head. Send me a pm if you want some seeds.
Beth over at PepperMania seems to have fallen off the map. There are folks here and at other forums that have been waiting weeks for their seeds. No answer at her phone number and I get an "undeliverable" when I try to email her.

My first order of seeds was from Beth earlier this spring. She was slow but, eventually sent me my order plus some extras. Hope all is well with our friend!