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Which fertalizer to use?

I am trying to figure out which fertalizers give out good results? or is a worm tea all i need? I know plants need diffrent nutrients for diffrent stagaes and i was wondering if anyone could recommend a fertalizer that has produced good results. I have purchased Bills perfect fertalizer but i dont know if thats all i needed

Thanks for any help
It's kind of a "ask ten people, get ten answers" kind of thing, but the consistent thing I've been told is to use something with worm castings, as well as CalMag, since peppers love calcium & Magnesium, it'd be great.

For the growth phase, I personally use: http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B001IMKY8W/ref=twister_B000E24IQQ?ie=UTF8&psc=1

For the flowering/podding phase: http://www.amazon.com/Botanicare-Nutrients-Gallon-Hydroponics-Additives/dp/B00414R126/ref=pd_sim_lg_1
Fertilizers is a very vast topic heatofmiami. We could talk about it for ages (well not me, because I'm a newbee with fert & growing in general).

Personally I use BioBizz fert which are not really designed for peppers growing, but it worked so far (it's my 2nd growing season, so I basically have no experience) :

- Root Juice (NPK 0.1 - 0.1 - 0.1) : root stimulator (first weeks)
- Bio-Grow (NPK 8.0 - 2.0 - 6.0) : during growing stage
- Bio-Bloom (NPK 2.0 - 6.0 - 3.5) : make bigger flowers/fruits
- Top Max (NPK 0.1 - 0.01 - 0.1) : bloom stimulator

Program :


As elcap said, you should definitely add Cal & Mag. My peppers seem to have Cal deficiency and it's a very common issue.
I use sunleaves bat guano in compost teas and mix 2 different kinds; one is high in nitrogen, the other is high in phosphorus, and I use kelp and fish emulsion. I use over ripe fruit for my sugars instead of molasses. I've been pretty happy with my results. Everyone on here is going to have a different growing style and fertilizer program; we all have different soils and amendments in them as well. It really comes down to what's in your budget and the time you have to do it, and if you're happy with the results.