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Which is the most citrus/fruity pepper?

I got some "white habaneros" growing this year, but the fruit turn out to be yellow, however the pod taste REALLY REALLY GOOD, it taste like fruit Candy, nothing like my normal red Hab. Any other peppers that taste Fruity?

btw its pods are small bullet shaped, it might be a cross from a white bullet hab of some sort
I got some "white habaneros" growing this year, but the fruit turn out to be yellow, however the pod taste REALLY REALLY GOOD, it taste like fruit Candy, nothing like my normal red Hab. Any other peppers that taste Fruity?

Those sound very good if they dont taste like regular habs because I really dislike red habs..
If you save seed form those pods Ill trade you for some..

Also, try a fresno pepper.. They are mildly hot and crispy/juicy and sweet kinda like a bell pepper with a little heaat. And the seeds are easy to remove because they are almsot all bunched up at the top (part towards the stem).
From personal experience yellow 7 pot fruity as and hot as hell to boot sown seeds made a sauce super yum and took the edge of the heat as opposed to eatin the raw
Those sound very good if they dont taste like regular habs because I really dislike red habs..
If you save seed form those pods Ill trade you for some..

Also, try a fresno pepper.. They are mildly hot and crispy/juicy and sweet kinda like a bell pepper with a little heaat. And the seeds are easy to remove because they are almsot all bunched up at the top (part towards the stem).

yea, for sure, pm me, or I will pm u once I get home :)
Usually the white habs do still have the same (basic) hab taste along with more citrusy and less sweet flavor. Yellow colored ones may eventually turn more white but it takes a while.