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preservation White wine vinegar

I just made an incredible Sriracha with white wine vinegar instead of distilled, and it came out incredible! I didn't have to age the peppers at all, yet it tastes like I did (in fact, the sauce I made is better than your standard "rooster" sauce in my opinion).
Have any of you tried white wine vinegar in your sauces? Have you had any success with it and do you mind sharing? 
I bought some white wine vinegar not that long ago and tried it in a non fermented sauce with a few jalapenos, 2 ghost peppers, and some cayenne onion and garlic. I have it aging for a week or two in the fridge.  Haven't tried it yet but the sauce smells really good.
Hey Jake!  Welcome to THP.
I have used white wine vinegar in the past with great effect.  Distilled is cheaper and I'll use it more often, but ww vinegar and rw vinegar both have their place.  RM turned me onto rice wine vinegar and I use that too - probably the most 'mild' and clean tasting vinegar for sauces out there imo.  
Lots of different vinegars with different flavor profiles, it's fun to experiment. 
Just keep in mind the acidity of the different vinegars.  Standard for white and cider is 5% acidity, a few are more acidic, several are less acidic (in the 4% range)  Just remember to compensate for the lower acidity when using those vinegars. 
Have Fun!!!