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White, yellow, purple, black.

yellow to white


purple to black ( like this on many of them )


only a dozen that look some what healthy....


the green plant was grown under flo tubes..

the rest under 400 MH and 400 HPS... i ended up taking the HPS out of the mix and raising the MH a little higher... hope that helps out a little...

this is very frustrating :rolleyes:
I think you are just cooking your little one under the HID. Since the healthy one are growing fine under floro tubes, do that until the plant has an established root system first. I start mine under floro tubes then to a sunny window then under the HID. You are going to change your habits until you find a system that works for you. Hope that helps.
Pepper Ridge Farm said:
I think you are just cooking your little one under the HID. Since the healthy one are growing fine under floro tubes, do that until the plant has an established root system first. I start mine under floro tubes then to a sunny window then under the HID. You are going to change your habits until you find a system that works for you. Hope that helps.

it does Pepper,

in fact i decided to put them on the window sill because of your nice looking plants... lol

anymore pics of your nice plants PRF ?
The purple/black ones are healthy. That is from the light. It wont hurt anything. The yellow/white is unhealthy.
Number 1 is the only plant with a problem and it looks like some nutrient problems. I'm with Pam.....are you feeding this a complete nutrient?
willard3 said:
Number 1 is the only plant with a problem and it looks like some nutrient problems. I'm with Pam.....are you feeding this a complete nutrient?

Well im using coco coir and i did buy coco coir specific nutes..

Its called:

OPTIMUM A which is a 5-0-2


OPTIMUM B which is a 1-5-6

both say ' with micronutrients '.

Are these lacking anything ? im not sure if this is a complete nutrient.

thanks Willard/Pam;)
Hi Hotpeppa
what type of coconut coir did you use (maybe salt) or if the soil keeps drying out and you keep adding nutrients, maybe give them a flush out with plain water
or seeing they're the newer leaves, maybe nutrient lock out, whats the ph?
i wish i could tell you what the ph is of the soil... but i cant...

it think the inconsistency of my ph is the biggest problem along with early overwatering...

today i am buying a EC/PH/TDS meter which i hope will enable me to maintain the ph of the soil as well as the correct nutrient levels.. i cant wait to get it and fool around with it...

ill post a couple of shots of the results using it.
Bad Ph will definitely lock nutrients out and cause the problem in no 1.

You can check the Ph of your medium. Get some water and measure the Ph; soak coir in water and measure the Ph.

If the Ph changed, compensate with the Ph of your water.

Measure the Ph of water that drains out the bottom of the pot when you water.

Ph for chiles is best at 6.5, at least in hydroponics.

Coir, as it rots, will change Ph. It does rot, just slowly.
Hey Wizard, i mean Willard... lol

thanks alot man..

When should you change the coir with fresh coir ?

what are the signs ?
Hey guys, this is a familiar sight to me since I grow dahlias. The plants looks like that they are infected with the mosaic virus. Whenever I see small dahlia plants looking like that, I would then chuck the plant into the trash, not the compost pile (as the virus could be spread).

Here is some information about the mosaic virus hitting dahlia plants - http://www.dahlias.net/dahwebpg/Disease/Virus1.htm

and an article about it hitting pepper plants: http://www.mobot.org/gardeninghelp/plantfinder/IPM.asp?code=126&group=67&level=s

The best way to confirm this is to find a master gardener extension that is near you. http://www.ahs.org/master_gardeners/index.htm

One question, do you smoke around your peppers? The virus that is in our cigarettes can be transmitted to plants, even if it's just a burnt ash falling (so the method of saving your cigarette ashes for your plants is now out of the question) into the plants.

FYI, I am a dahlia hybridizer and a facility supervisor for a garden center/nursery in Kelso, Wa.