contest WickedMojo and RS67Man

Should their entries count?

  • Yes

    Votes: 36 94.7%
  • No

    Votes: 2 5.3%

  • Total voters
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The Hot Pepper

WickedMojo and RS67Man both missed the deadline for their Battle Royale entries.

The topic was already locked when they went to post, and the rules clearly state the close time, and both agreed to the rules by participating. I will not enforce the penalty of a 6 month ban from TDs, this is more for someone that just backs out and leaves a challenger with a hefty grocery bill. So this will not apply to them.

BUT the question is, should their entries count in the poll at the end of the month?

This is an anonymous, 24 hour poll, and the final decision.


Yeah it should count! From what I understand, RS67was editing his post right at 10, and WM was right behind him.
Where's the spirit everybody?! Let's :beer: :high:
I feel the love and vote to make them count.
Totally. They BOTH missed the deadline... and apparently just by seconds. Since they both missed it and still have final plating pics, I say let the ruling slide.

But they both get a slap on the wrist. And a loud NO!... BAD! hollered at them.
Yeah, actually lucky you both missed it, just one, wouldn't be fair to the other. Will stress the time factor in the upcoming ones.
Yup, we were both editing our posts when the deadline passed. We would not of been able to even begun the post if the deadline had passed beforehand. I had lost track of time, trying to make a winning entry. Thank You THP for taking this step, WM and I both appreciate it!

Vote your conscience everyone, lets the votes fall where they may!
Yeah, actually lucky you both missed it, just one, wouldn't be fair to the other. Will stress the time factor in the upcoming ones.

THP , how 'bout we do midnight deadlines to TDs, this way TD's technically go the whole weekend and all ya have to say is TD runs from Friday thru Sunday, and at 12:01 it becomes monday, so then its no excuse cause its the next day kinda thing, because booth our entrys were finished well before 10 but then the photo editing etc.. I spent friday night and saturday out catching blue crabs and crawfish so its not like I procrastinated too much.. ok well maybe a little hehe just a suggestion, no need to change anything due to our absent mindedness lol :)

and thanks again for the poll.
THP , how 'bout we do midnight deadlines to TDs, this way TD's technically go the whole weekend and all ya have to say is TD runs from Friday thru Sunday, and at 12:01 it becomes monday, so then its no excuse cause its the next day kinda thing, because booth our entrys were finished well before 10 but then the photo editing etc.. I spent friday night and saturday out catching blue crabs and crawfish so its not like I procrastinated too much.. ok well maybe a little hehe just a suggestion, no need to change anything due to our absent mindedness lol :)

and thanks again for the poll.
12:01 works for east coast time but west coast and AU and everyone else still has to figure out the deadline and get it done on time. Closing time is whatever the Boss says and it's up to us to figure it out.

I can totally understand if a person's wall clock, watch, or computer clock is not exactly synchronized with THP's clock, hence the missed deadline by seconds, not hours.
maybe the "slap on the wrist" could be a black and white crown...or half a crown...::D:
In the spirit of the competition...we're all "friends" here...I say let it slide.

*as long as they were both piss drunk.
I vote the rules should be bent to let them count because it was only out by a small margin, and it could arguably be put down to a time/computing error.

I also think that this should be the ONLY time. All future entrants should be directed to this example as a final warning and really should give themselves a good five minutes (if not more) to post.. its not rocket science! and it's not a like a 100m sprint race where every tenth of a second counts. Anyone who posts one minute after the deadline in future should be disqualified and penalised whatever reason they give.
I vote the rules should be bent to let them count because it was only out by a small margin, and it could arguably be put down to a time/computing error.

I also think that this should be the ONLY time. All future entrants should be directed to this example as a final warning and really should give themselves a good five minutes (if not more) to post.. its not rocket science! and it's not a like a 100m sprint race where every tenth of a second counts. Anyone who posts one minute after the deadline in future should be disqualified and penalised whatever reason they give.
I already thought of that and totally agree. This is the first and last, there is enough attention to this now that no one should be late no matter what.

That is, IF the vote is YES. Looks like it will be. long as the time is specified (for example: 12:00am EST - Midnight) then everyone should be on the same page.

If you are unsure about the exact time your local time translates to in EST (East Coast Standard Time - USA), then check
...and that should help converting time zones.

As they both tripped before crossing the finish line, they should both be allowed to submit their entrys since they were already in the process... it would be a shame for all that beer to have been wasted. :dance: :beer:
In the spirit of the competition...we're all "friends" here...I say let it slide.

*as long as they were both piss drunk.

not sure if I was totally piss drunk at the time, but I am now and atleast 12 16oz Busch lights got downed in the process so by most standards thats a nice buzz lol :)
I had to vote yes because they both hit the chat immediately and were all about it. Had only one showed then that would be different.

I would think going by the site's clock should be fine. Maybe toss a clock in the TD forum that updates itself. I know I have refreshed or changed pages and realized that whatever the good read was, it had me for 20 minutes or longer.
not sure if I was totally piss drunk at the time, but I am now and atleast 12 16oz Busch lights got downed in the process so by most standards thats a nice buzz lol :)

Well...when I posted that...I was drunk enough for both of think that counts.
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