Wild Tepins


Extreme Member
The bass player in our band brought me some dried tepins yesterday. There is plant in the woods behind his house. The plant is about 4 feet high and about that wide that he does not take care of. He said it just does it thing...dies back in the winter and comes back with a vengence in the spring. They were picked red ripe and then sun dried. They look great and have a good amount of seeds. If anyone is interested in these seeds I can send them. And, by the way, I just ate one about 1/8" diameter and it has the front burn. Front part of tongue, front part of upper palate, and lips. These will go good with my orange hab/tabasco/thai orange and maybe, just maybe I will finally get the "total burn" I have been seeking.

Any one wanting some seeds, just pm me and send your mailing address.

By the way, no charge for these. Why should I make someone pay for seeds I have been given?
Daisy7117 said:
They look beautiful...I'd try a few:onfire:

Send address via pm Daisy....
Omri said:
They're so cute!!! looks like a kind of berry, though.
I would like some, if possible. :)

Sure its possible Omri. Just pm address. I am packaging up some seeds right now. Probably will put 10-15 seeds a pack.

These peppers at maturity are only about 1/2" diameter and from all the reading I have done on the wild tepins, these are the real deal. The domesticated version of the tepin is the pequin. The articles I have read said the real wild tepins are truly small and round. What the reference material said was through selective breeding and harvesting the domesticated version is bullet shaped.
For me, pequins are much more productive than tepins, and they are both a pain to pick. Even the foliage of these plants can be quite aromatic. Get yourself a good pepper grinder(peugeot) and fill with tepins/pequins, I use them daily.
Yo AJ, can I get on the tepin list? I always grow some plants for Historic Camden, a Revolutionary War Park. They want plants that would be available before 1825, and can double as ornamentals. I'm thinking these might work, and they can let the interested tourists pick some.
Pam said:
Yo AJ, can I get on the tepin list? I always grow some plants for Historic Camden, a Revolutionary War Park. They want plants that would be available before 1825, and can double as ornamentals. I'm thinking these might work, and they can let the interested tourists pick some.

Heck yeah you can have some to put in the park. Would be perfect setting. Plus, if you know where they are, you could have gillions of them...:lol:

send me a pm with your addy
Pam said:
Heh, it's one way to sneak some extra garden space.

Well...you may need 400-500 acres from what I sent...:lol:
PM me a mailing addy Pcola.
Pam said:
Heh, it's one way to sneak some extra garden space.

Pam...I was wondering...do you plant seedlings that you start or just the seeds in a more natural setting?...

Are you going to group them?...like in groups of 4-6 within a 10 X 10 area?

Dang Pam...thats where Cornwalis surrendered...
With peppers? Seedlings. There are plants I start by scattering seeds, but they're mostly flowers.

I had in mind putting a couple of clumps of these near the entrance of a path that leads to the back of one of the period houses, about where a kitchen garden might have been.
They're small, extremely hot (according to The Chileman), don't look like peppers and they come in large quantities. PERFECT! :lol:
Thanks for the seeds. :)
Canuk Pepperhead said:
any spair ill take some seeds

send me PM with address and I will get them off to you...

I don't need any more seeds, but I just want to point out how great and willing to share AJ is.

When I am overflowing with seeds (hopefully next year) I just hope I will be as generous and giving.

Take care my brother Pepper Head!
cheezydemon said:
I don't need any more seeds, but I just want to point out how great and willing to share AJ is.

When I am overflowing with seeds (hopefully next year) I just hope I will be as generous and giving.

Take care my brother Pepper Head!

I am just following the lead of others on this forum. Kindness and goodness abound. I am finding that being a chilehead is a fraternal order.

Thread Closed...See "Seeds To Trade " thread if you want some tepins.