Will this work? Feel free to laugh if it's a stupid idea lol

The deck knocked this Bubblegum 7 off of the deck, broke a branch clean off and split the trunk clean in the middle but nothing was broken completely off from there.  This is the only one I have going at the moment and I figured it is worth a shot.  It's taped tight, and lined up exactly like it was before it was knocked off and split.  The broken branch was trashed, and I decided to eat a small slither from the larger pod.  Surprised it had some heat in it even though it was a ways off from ripening size. 


The two red lines show where it was split at.  Both branches were drooping away from the trunk

I realize taping it together may be astupid idea, but it doesn't hurt to try, right?
Beelzeboss said:
i dunno it worked in the karate kid. whats all those spots in the leaves?
That's soil
rghm1u20 said:
I think will work. Depends how long time the broken branch was separate from the "mother".
The taped portions were never fully separated.  The separated branch in the first picture I threw in the trash.
Prune the top if possible. Also cutting the leaves in half length ways would help too. The plant will have more energy to use on the repair work.

Look up cloning techniques, it will explain what I mean :D
Pepperguru has some experience with that technique I believe.  As I recalled it was a very sucessful technique for him.  I am at the foggy edges of my memory but I think he might have hit the joint with some AACT to promote recovery.  Or he gave some to the plant to help with recovery... something like that.  I think it could have been mentioned in his glog last year
I see no reason why it couldn't work as it looks good. If there is nothing in the stem what shouldn't be there - like dirt, it will recover.
Just saw a branch broke off with about 15 pods from my Moruga plant. Tied it up and supported it with a wood rod dug into the ground just enough to support that with a cobble stone lol.
I've done this with 1/2 lb branches 7 weeks in to flower XD Works like a charm. Silicone tape (plumbing) is great stuff. It's pretty obvious when it fails, at which point I'd pull the branch. Aloe/aspirin foliar isn't a bad idea if you're a plant fiddlerfarter like myself.
I've done this with branches broken off by storms in the past. Left the pods on and they ripened. I made kind of a sling for the branch while it was healing, to support the weight. Worked fine - it's the same basic idea as grafting. 
I've also had good luck wrapping split stems, though the growth slowed and there were many undersized pods on them later..
I have never done it with my pepper plants yet, but I have repaired several Tomato plants with duck tape, One from last year and its my best producer. My friends laugh, but I just tell them I'm proud to be a Red-Neck!
SL3 said:
I have never done it with my pepper plants yet, but I have repaired several Tomato plants with duck tape, One from last year and its my best producer. My friends laugh, but I just tell them I'm proud to be a Red-Neck!
Duct tape is amazing stuff. As Red green's closing line of each Handyman Corner segment says, "If the women don't find you handsome, they should at least find you handy." :)