Will "trays" hurt my stuff that's growing in Wally Bags?

A friend of mine made some sheet-metal galvanized "trays" for me.  They are 12-inches wide X 4-feet long X 1-inch deep.
I was gonna set my Wally-Bag plants inside these trays.  Originally, my plan was to bottom water.  Then, I began to wonder if the heavier water-soluble nutrients would wick-up high enough to reach the root zone. 
Another issue was possible diseases from sitting in standing water for a while.  There's no way I'm gonna remove all of the plants and dump out the excess water each time I water. 
I am definitely gonna run timed-irrigation to the plants.  Still don't know whether to run drip emitter rings to the tops and let the excess settle in the trays.  Or, just allow the little irrigation system to "fill" directly into the trays each time I water as bottom-watering?  I've grown many plants in nursery pots but, have no experience with those store-bought pots that come with "trays".
My in-ground peppers have been struck by viruses, and wilts over the years.  All of this is an attempt to avoid these soil-borne pathogens. 
if you are having problems with viruses id keep them out of standing water maybe make a Little hole in the Tray that leaks slower than it fills so there will be a slow drain and then it will refill after  another watering
I think the nutrient solution may cause the galvanized metal to corrode, not sure if it has a high enough concentration, but time will tell. 