Will Unripe Pods Ripen Off The Plant

Hi all again.  Just got back in from holidays to a BIG problem.  I left my plants in my mothers care the last week and a half and came home to a BIG problem.  I told her she could pick and eat the Early California Wonder Bell Peppers while I was away.  So I get home and she was proud to tell me she did just that and also helped me by picking pretty much the rest of my peppers for me as well(lots of plants and few peppers).  I said 'WHAT!'  So I went and looked.  Pretty much all of what I had on my plants were picked off and placed in a basket in my fridge.  All peppers were green in color with the exception of 1 Peter Pepper that had an ever so slight hue of red on it.  Is there anything I can do to get these to ripen, or am I S.O.L.?  Also if it makes a difference, they were mostly picked with zero stem attached.  I am very upset right now and do not know what to do.  Any help would be greatly appreciated at this time to try to recover this years efforts.  Thank you.  I would like to have at least a couple of each ripen for seed stock.  Thank you all in advance for any and all help provided.
p.s.  In a panic, I made this topic and will now do a search to see if there is another topic started similar.
It also depends on the type of pepper. I've found thin walled chinense will often ripen after picking.
The stems prevent contamination and bacteria from getting in, destemed then they wont last as long from what I understand, I always keep the stem on. 
Sorry to hear you got picked Green :(
Banana peal will let of the needed ethylene. Even if color didn't start to change there may be a chance. As for viable seed, it is hard to say.
Thank you all.  I will have to go shopping tomorrow after work.  Stupid question again.  Green banana, yellow banana, or slightly brown banana?
+1 for the Banana in a paper bag.  Just make sure it is a very ripe yellow Banana.  A ripe apple will do the same trick.
In my experience, if the pods have started to turn color, even just a little, there is a much better chance of them ripening off the vine, than if they are 100% green.
I wouldn't be too confident in the seeds being viable.
Good luck.