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Wilting soggy leaves on my Carolina Reapers

So I potted up my plants on Sunday and they were outside for a few hours yesterday. When I brought them inside I noticed the leaves on my Reapers wilting like this. I know when they were just a couple a weeks old I gave them fertilizer by mistake when watering the older plants which made some leaves look yellow and tinged.
Thanks Walkgood, I am reading that article now. Should plants like these be separated from the rest I don't want it getting into any other plants that are healthy?
Yes isolate. Remove the infected leaves careful not to touch any plants afterwards. Spray with some type of cleanser. I use a half water half skim milk solution. Coating enire plant.
How was the weather when you put them outside ?

If they grew indoor under neon and then you put them to the direct sunlight on a hot day they can turn like this.

Usually when I do this, all the leaves turn like this, dies and new ones smallers grow.
It was around 68 degrees yesterday, I had them on my back deck and they got direct sunlight from 12:30-5pm. The wilting is new on the plants but the yellowing tinged spots have been there for a while now which I assumed from fertilizer burn. Anyways I just finished trimming all the damaged leaves and isolating the four plants in a separate room. I was looking for a home treatment for now until I can make it to the store later on today, I was thinking a mixture of dawn soap with distilled water not really sure what else I have on hand right now. Thank you all for the info so far I just hope this is contained to the four Reapers.
Yes isolate. Remove the infected leaves careful not to touch any plants afterwards. Spray with some type of cleanser. I use a half water half skim milk solution. Coating enire plant.
I've never tried that and it sounds interesting. I will try it when if the plants ever get it again, like it won't happen, lol. Thanks for the lesson mi North FL brethren :) BTW I'd hit you up but I'm all out of "like this" :/

Edit: BTW Bob, Home Depot sells a spray just for this if you go the store bought way and it's all organic, sorry I can't recall the name but look around the area they have mineral oil, neem oil and other sprays for garden plants. Personally I'd try home remidy first.
Just an update they have been covered outside since this morning no sign of negative progression. Below is one leaf that had only a sunburn look to it I just took, you may not really see what I do through this picture but the leaf has a silver tint very glossy look and the underside looks normal.
I think they just got sunburn. I doubt they could all contract and have the symptoms of a decease in one afternoon outside. Switching from a couple of thousands lumens to over 100K lm is a serious shake for plants (and not only chillies). It's the same for a human being when you go to the sunlight after a long cloudy winter ...

Let us know how they feel next week.
Yeah thanks PHB the Reapers are also the youngest and were not exposed earlier in the season like my other plants. Will update in a week on how they are doing.