• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

Windchicken 2013

Finally got me some lights and a heat mat...



The trays are the self-watering Burpee 32-cell type..Hopefully they will maintain more consistent moisture levels.

This is what I sowed:

C. chinense
MoA Scotch Bonnet (STEVE954), 6
Madame Jeanette (Meatfreak), 6
Bahamian Goat (FadeToBlack), 6
NagaBrain (romy6), 8
Trinidad Scorpion, 4
7 Pot Yellow, 8
Cumari do Para (capsidadburn), 8
Bonda ma Jacques x 7 Pot Yellow (Spicegeist), 4
Chupetinha, 4

C. annuum
Doux Tres Long des Landes (Meatfreak), 6
Poblano, 8
Zapotec Jalapeño, 12
Chiltepin, 8
California Wonder, 4
Chilhuacle Rojo, 8
Thai Garden Birdseed, 4
Ashe County Pimento (kentishman), 4
Kitchen Pepper (Datil), 4

C. baccatum
Aji Amarillo, 8

There are a few spots still open. Probably will sow NuMex 6-4 and some Morouga, because people are asking for it....
Lol, thanks so much Guys!!! Since I took that pik the Locoto bush has really podded up, so much that she's "listing to starboard" and needs some "standing rigging." I'll do that when I get home today, and post some more pix for y'all...
You know Noah, I've only been to Tennessee one time, to take my grandma to the hospital in Memphis...That was a real long time ago...I've always wanted to see that countryside....:cool:
Cow manure and wood chips...Sounds like nirvana to me, Noah!
Last night I trussed up the pet Birgit's to help her support her heavy load:

The chinense plants destined for the big country garden began their exodus from their happy childhood home today. There are 6 of these Madame Jeanette (meatfreak) plants, but I could only fit 4 of them in the cab with me:
Thanks Mike! She'll be pretty if I can keep her from flopping over...Prolly I should just keep the pods thinned out.
Yeah...What Mike said...That's the ticket... :cool:...There's a sweet indoor half pipe, a pool, and plenty of frosty kegs. Y'all come on over to DeSoto Parish and grab a shovel, for the greater good of the mighty Chilehead Nation... :dance:
Have a great holiday Mike!
Wow, Gary those Madame Jeanette's have gotten big :D and also flowering! Mine were going great till the strange leaf disease appeared, I had to stripe them all. Big setback. Looks like you're gonna make a good harvest from these baby's!
WalkGood said:
Dat Birgit's oak barrel pot is going to need lunar landing legs soon to keep her stable. She’s huge and nicely loaded ^_^
I still cannot believe it is a pepper... It is a real tree!  :P It would have its own spot in my living room  :fireball:
WalkGood said:
Dat Birgit's oak barrel pot is going to need lunar landing legs soon to keep her stable. She’s huge and nicely loaded ^_^
Thanks Ramon! She definitely needs to be potted up....
meatfreak said:
Wow, Gary those Madame Jeanette's have gotten big :D and also flowering! Mine were going great till the strange leaf disease appeared, I had to stripe them all. Big setback. Looks like you're gonna make a good harvest from these baby's!
Thanks Stefan! Sorry about your leaf issues...I know with your mad skillz they will recover and flourish.
The guys at work are anxious to see what a Madame Jeanette pod looks like. So am I! :cool:
HabaneroHead said:
I still cannot believe it is a pepper... It is a real tree!  :P It would have its own spot in my living room  :fireball:
Thanks HH! It's real easy to grow...Hollah if you need seeds for Birgit's...
stc3248 said:
Got some skills with the ropes I see! Great job, that plant is amazing!
Thanks Shane! All those years in Boy Scouts and sailing Hobie Cats somtimes pay off in unexpected ways... :P
Fuligo septica, a.k.a. Dog Vomit slime mold...Looks and sounds scary, but I consider it to be a sign I am building good forest soil. The Jals love it, anyway.

The super hot bed. Front row: Seven Pot Yellow (THSC). Back row: NagaBrain (romy6):

Some container plants awaiting either the bus to the country or potting-up:

Chilhuacle Rojo. (Sorry about the blurry pik but I just had to post this.) The seed for this plant was sown January 27—120 days from seed to ripe fruit. It was delicious:
Friggin Marvelous Mr Chicken!!! Wow what great plants ,.... just exuding health!!.  Whatever you are doing keep on doing it.  You are in for some monster trees and a killer harvest no doubt!  Hope you are keeping well.  It certainly looks like you have been looking after the plants well anyway!! Cheers
:woohoo: look at that pepper forest. Plants look amazing, Gary. Great job, that light setup has really paid off, hasn't it? The shape of the Madame Jeanette would be similar like the Cili Goronong, only then a couple times bigger. The taste is also better :) Your Chilhuacle Rojo is doing great over here as well, but I keep nipping out the buds/flowers till I plant them out.