• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

windchicken 2018

This year my glog will (necessarily) be all-YouTube-all-the-time, and that's all I'm saying about that...This post, featuring my Capsicum chinense plants, should follow a video of my Capsicum annuum plants, which have already been outdoors for several weeks, but that video will have to come later, because I have yet to make it:
I love those NuMex peppers. I grew mostly lumbre last year...really hot but thin flesh. Pretty much only good for drying. My Sandia Select last year had very little heat. Not even close to the lumbre. LOVED the flavor though. Im growing another one this year using seeds from the pods i grew but its in the ground this time. Im also growing a Big Jim Heritage.
Hopefully by next year i can pick just the ones i really like and stick with them.