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Winter indoor grow/ 2020 grow list

Started the carolina reapers a few days ago for a winter grow the temp is averaging 84.6-85.1F. Just fine tuning the station before planting the rest in Jan/Feb 2020.


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PaulG said:
Hey, TBF, ya gots some real superior gnarl going on there!
My mouth burns from just looking at the pictures  :rofl:
I think some of the gnarly comes from staking the plants too close together, getting the cross pollination. Next year going to spread them out more and do some isolation.
Grrr!! Seen this dude on a pepper plant and knew he wasn't alone. So grabbed some Sevin and sprayed every plant. Then I went back out about an hour later and seven of those dudes dropped to the mulch. They met their fate with a swipe of a hoe!!

There's about 2 dozen death spirals in this frame, gave them some fertilizer to help ripen.

Should have a nice harvest of chocolate bhutlahs in a couple days.
That death spiral is definitely putting on the pods. Those stupid hornworms are my nemesis. Every year I find skill many of them that it drives me crazy. I go at night with a uv flashlight and grab. They rarely seem to do much damage because I constantly hunt them. When I get mad I spray the garden with BT, seems a little less toxic then some other options
Mr.joe said:
 Those stupid hornworms are my nemesis. Every year I find skill many of them that it drives me crazy. I go at night with a uv flashlight and grab. They rarely seem to do much damage because I constantly hunt them. When I get mad I spray the garden with BT, seems a little less toxic then some other options
Mother Nature has thrown every angle to myself this year from storms(the most damage), deer, rabbits, raccoons, and tomato worms. I will retaliate with capsaicin :fireball: trust me!
PaulG said:
Those Death Spirals and Choco Bhutlahs look
just amazing. Big caterpillars, big pods!
PaulG, thanks.If your mouth is on fire just looking at the pics, I'll send ya a sample pod. ;)  I've been scrolling your threads along with Cane Dogs, most amazing plants/pods ever. Like, like, like, like, like ...dang can't click fast enough as I get alot of notifications of those threads.
TattooedBullfrog said:
PaulG, thanks.If your mouth is on fire just looking at the pics, I'll send ya a sample pod. ;)  I've been scrolling your threads along with Cane Dogs, most amazing plants/pods ever. Like, like, like, like, like ...dang can't click fast enough as I get alot of notifications of those threads.
CaneDog is a pro, alright. I just sort of muddle along.
Fortunately Mother Nature is usually somewhat for-
giving (for the most part.)
Man, those plants are seriously loaded, well done bro!!
Question: Is it the ripe color of your choco bhutlahs or they will get darker over time? 


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PaulG said:
CaneDog is a pro, alright. I just sort of muddle along.
Fortunately Mother Nature is usually somewhat for-
giving (for the most part.)
Same here PaulG, little parts of info from here and there from who ever on the THP helps out everyone!
PaulG said:
CaneDog is a pro, alright. I just sort of muddle along.
Fortunately Mother Nature is usually somewhat for-
giving (for the most part.)
Don't sell me short, Paul, I can muddle along with the most muddlesome of muddlers ;)  Mother nature does seem to be coming through in the second half of the season, though, to help get things to the finish line - except for all this smoke, that is.
TBF, it seems like you have a ton of hot gnarly pods ripening now.  I'm really looking forward to the harvest pictures.  Have you tried any of the death spirals yet and, if so, what's you're take on the pods?
CaneDog said:
Don't sell me short, Paul, I can muddle along with the most muddlesome of muddlers ;)  Mother nature does seem to be coming through in the second half of the season, though, to help get things to the finish line - except for all this smoke, that is.
TBF, it seems like you have a ton of hot gnarly pods ripening now.  I'm really looking forward to the harvest pictures.  Have you tried any of the death spirals yet and, if so, what's you're take on the pods?
Muddlesome of muddlers......cracking me up. At least it's a modest honest muddle.....I hope..haha. Anyways CD no I haven't tried a death spiral yet, put the two ripe ones in the freezer and going to dehydrate peppers when I go on vacation in a couple weeks. The next ripe one it will be on, will give a good review.
Made a small batch of trinidad pineapple chow to munch on during work, stubbed my toe on the hot sauce and a extra 1/4 teaspoon went in the mix...hate when that happens :halo:

Well the west coast fire smoke has made it to IL this was today @615pm, yesterday it wasn't that bad. I hope everyone in the west is doing well and being safe.
Wow, it's wild the smoke has traveled so well. Hopefully they get these stupid fires out soon. I can't speak for anyone else, but I'm safely out of the fires path and plan to stay that way. I haven't seen blue skies in over a week.
CaneDog here are some candidates for the death spiral taste test.

This death spiral I nicknamed grumpy, the dude just looks like it's going to pack some serious heat.

Reaper pod thinking it got some apocalypse scorpion pollen involved, going to save the seeds and see what becomes of it next year. FYI to anyone growing AS plants make sure you plant far away and isolate from other plants the traits of the AS carry over to other plants heavily. I've even got the AS traits doing the same thing on the pink tiger X peach bhutlah plant, reaper, death spiral, and chocolate bhutlah. Going to get a spool of tulle fabric to use as isolation next year.
Possible Frost tonight (a few weeks early), so moved my potted peppers and tomatoes into the greenhouse, and tried to cover up the peppers and tomatoes in the garden. the peppers are pretty well covered, they are the bed in the back corner, but the tomatoes are only partially covered. I have some fans running to circulate the air.


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Made a loaf of Alaska sourdough bread and sausage gravy, toasted the bread with butter. The avocado jalapeno sauce on top was very tasty.

Whipped up a couple more pints of pickled sour mexican gherkins, the left jar have a couple reaper X chupetinho peppers/garlic. Right jar just garlic.