overwintering Winter-Summer in OZ "Comparison" / Aussie Blabberers

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Yes good demand for them atm. I can see over time though that it won't be as worthwhile once everyone is growing them, however I will continue to sell them as they are one of my main products.

Most people who grow the plants or seed you sell probably won't remember to save the seed from the pods. Of course the tag with your company on it will last till next season and they'll come back if they dare.

I was planning on selling my excess plants for this season in the paper but in the interests of greed ;) , and supporting local business I'll keep them for myself. :cool:
Most people who grow the plants or seed you sell probably won't remember to save the seed from the pods. Of course the tag with your company on it will last till next season and they'll come back if they dare.

I was planning on selling my excess plants for this season in the paper but in the interests of greed ;) , and supporting local business I'll keep them for myself. :cool:

That's cool, if they do grow them by seed but most people don't isolate their pods so they might end up with something different. However most people that do buy off me do it because they cant be bothered germinating them themselves or they are no good at it. Geez I hope they do last and the sun doesn't destroy them! This is the first time I've had tags printed so fingers crossed.
Oh that is nice of you, or are you just being greedy wanting them all for yourself :rofl:
I thought it was time for some more photos.


Fatalii pod? Time will tell.
The pod pictured is on a plant grown from seed that produced 4 Habanero plants. The pods from last season had me thinking this plant was not a Fatalii but now it shows promise.


Season Starts
By column from top to bottom beginning on the left:-
1st Column: Habanero Peach, Habanero Peach, Limo Blanco
2nd Column: White Bhut, White Bhut, Scotch Bonnet TFM
3rd Column: Aji Amarillo, Beni Highlands, Beni Highlands
4th Column: Lim贸n (source #2), Lim贸n (source #2)
5th Column: Lim贸n (source #1), Lim贸n (source #1)


Late Starts and Slow Starts
Beginning with the middle row from left to right then down:-
1st Row: Habanero Chocolate, Trinidad Scorpion Chocolate (4/4), Seven Pot + Fluorescent Purple, Aji Cristal (2/2), Bishop's Hat (4/4), Bishop's Hat (3/4)
2nd Row: Scotch Bonnet TFM (1/2+3/4), Jamaican Hot Chocolate (2/2), Bahamian Goat Pepper (1/4), Morouga Red (1/1), Hot Lemon (1/1) + Seven Pot Yellow (0/1), Habanero White Mild (0/4)

The slow starts include the two Jamaican Hot Chocolate and two Aji Cristal that were sowed at about the same time as the Beni Highlands and Lim贸n plants pictured in the second photo.
I have too many plants growing and not enough room.. so what am I doing tonight?...... Starting some more seeds :D

All my fatalii starts came to terrible ends and I want to try these. Same thing with a few other varieties. Don't have my lights set up anymore so I'm going to germinate them inside and then put them straight outside in a dome. See if it works.
My white bhuts did the same Candice. Have another look comparing them and you will see a difference between them. Thats just the way they go i think.
My white bhut have started to get a purpling on the leaves... anyone else got this? Wondering if the guy mixed it up with the purple huts although they were purple as soon as they sprouted
My white bhuts did the same Candice. Have another look comparing them and you will see a difference between them. Thats just the way they go i think.
Do either of you have a photo of your White Bhuts? The two I have growing don't have any hints of purple.
My white bhuts did the same Candice. Have another look comparing them and you will see a difference between them. Thats just the way they go i think.

alright cool thanks
Do either of you have a photo of your White Bhuts? The two I have growing don't have any hints of purple.
will take one when all the rain and storms stop. It didn't get the purple until they got a few sets of leaves
Yeah Joey where the expletive have you been?!

I would take a pic of my White Bhuts ah hell i will anyway just to show what nute lockout does :lol: Be up here tomorrow.
Super Duper Busy Lately, big changes going on in my life right now, still not enough money to fund it all LOL. Going to be back in QLD next year and have a yard to really grow some sexy plants, can't wait I tell ya, can't wait.
Sounds good to me, anywhere but Melbourns has to be the bomb! :lol:

Alright here are some pics of some not happy plants. They are suffering from nute lockout and i can't really be bothered trying to remedy it. It will have to sort itself out!

Purple Bhut

White Bhut- When this was younger it had a purple tinge to it somewhat like the Purple Bhut above.
Now it has lost all purple colour.

And this is a special one, a gift from Butch T. I may repot this into some nice soil :)
The seeds come from a little pod that Butch spotted on one of his 7-pot plants. Only got eight seeds from the pod and he just said it was a Wicked Ass Little Seven Pot, hence the abbreviation WAL 7-pot.

And here we have an awesome trunk YAY! Going on to its 3rd or 4th year i cannot remember :high:
Butch T

Shot of the new foliage

It's absolutely covered in buds and flowers have just started to open, they are misleading. They will spawn death pods :D


Have nice day.
Sounds good to me, anywhere but Melbourns has to be the bomb! :lol:

Alright here are some pics of some not happy plants. They are suffering from nute lockout and i can't really be bothered trying to remedy it. It will have to sort itself out!

Purple Bhut

White Bhut- When this was younger it had a purple tinge to it somewhat like the Purple Bhut above.
Now it has lost all purple colour.

And this is a special one, a gift from Butch T. I may repot this into some nice soil :)
The seeds come from a little pod that Butch spotted on one of his 7-pot plants. Only got eight seeds from the pod and he just said it was a Wicked Ass Little Seven Pot, hence the abbreviation WAL 7-pot.

And here we have an awesome trunk YAY! Going on to its 3rd or 4th year i cannot remember :high:
Butch T

Shot of the new foliage

It's absolutely covered in buds and flowers have just started to open, they are misleading. They will spawn death pods :D


Have nice day.

Nova good luck with your nute issue. That butch t is the cats ass.
Well in Melbourne you can get all four seasons in one day. The higher the latitude the less of a winter.
I think up in Darwin average winter temps are about 40 celcius :lol:

My Butchie says thankyou for the comment, he thinks! :)