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YAMP - Yet Another Mystery Pepper

Planted some black scorpion tongues I got for free. They started with purple baby leaves (which turned green) except for 1 plant. The same plant also never developed purple pods - they were green until they started ripening. I've got enough of them now to see a different pod shape on most pods so my question is what do you think it's crossed with? (Oh, and they're one pepper/node with white flowers.)
The one I've tasted has some pretty good heat (I'm a half-wimp) and a slightly nutty aftertaste. They're redder than they look in the pic - my camera doesn't do reds well.


Bottom 3 are from a purple podded plant, top 3 from the green one.

I was thinking along those lines too. Part of me wants to breed it to see what the F2s look like. The other part of me wants a lot less work next season. ;)
I'm grew a type labelled as "Scotch bonnet 5 in 1" which usually looked like your bottom pic, but the odd time like your top pic
Do any of these imposters have a nutty, almost pecan-like aftertaste? Or is that from the BST. Seemed stronger in the non-purple plant though.