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Yeast or mold?

Two out of 5 of my batches from last October have some weird looking stuff growing on them.  They smell a bit stronger than I'm used to with kahm as well.  I'm inclined to toss these two.  Of the remaining three, one had no kahm and two had a mild case.
What do you think?


The first one smells worse than the second one.
Sigh.  The first one was a strawberry mango experiment, I hate to lose that one.  They were way in the back of a cabinet where I hadn't looked at them in forever.  The airlocks had gone completely dry, so I guess it's partly my own fault.  From now on I'm going to make a serious effort cap my fermentation vessels off once most of the bubbling stops.
The others turned out really good, these are the longest ferments I've ever done at about 11 months.
Edit: the ph on the three good batches was between 3.0 and 3.2.  I haven't checked the two pictured above, that are bound for the compost pile.
Did it taste bad ? Smell of ferment can fool you i always taste B4Toss
Bold Badger Sauces said:
Sigh.  The first one was a strawberry mango experiment, I hate to lose that one.  They were way in the back of a cabinet where I hadn't looked at them in forever.  The airlocks had gone completely dry, so I guess it's partly my own fault.  From now on I'm going to make a serious effort cap my fermentation vessels off once most of the bubbling stops.
The others turned out really good, these are the longest ferments I've ever done at about 11 months.
Edit: the ph on the three good batches was between 3.0 and 3.2.  I haven't checked the two pictured above, that are bound for the compost pile.
Fun saucein
Not yet, I plan to try a little taste of the mash from the bottom of the jar in both cases, but I doubt I'll actually bottle them.  The other one is avocado.  I made that one because I was just curious what fermented avocados would taste like.  I don't have high hopes, but maybe it'll be amazing.
I just tossed my first attempt at fermented ghost peppers. I hadn't looked in a few days and there was blue mold on top. The liquid had turned yellow and cloudy too. Sigh. The good news is there are a bunch more ripening out in my garden. 


Botulism is nothing to mess around with. It is a poison that is released by the causing agent and while you might think the bottom of the jar is a safe place thats not necessarily so and you really dont want to have to deal with a self inflicted bad couple of days because you were curious.


Read through the second and third paragraphs on the link.