• This is the place to discuss all spicy commerical products, not just sauce!

Yellow 7 Turkey slap

My first sauce video... I don't really plan on making more any time soon.
The sauce has an amazing taste it's hard to describe you need to try it.

Nope, Unfortunately I haven't tried any of Neil's other sauces yet or anything else non mainstream really.
I've tried a few of the chilli factories sauces / pastes nothing else I would class as super hot though.

The taste is something different. I wasn't expecting it to taste so good right away but it is really good.
I'm a big fan of being able to taste what I am putting in my mouth. If the heat comes to fast it kind
of overpowers everything else but with this for the first few seconds all i had was the nice flavour of the
sauce. Then it started building and kept going for a while. I did get a bit of a stomach ache during the
5 mins off camera but I think that could've been partly due to just finishing dinner before the test.