Yellow, Curling, Burned Tip Pepper Plants :(

Hey Everyone,
So I ordered a few pepper plants online (chocolate habanero, chocolate scotch bonnet, orange scotch bonnet) and ever since I got them they have been yellow and curling and this has just gotten worse as time has gone on. I planted them immediately upon arrival and all of my other pepper plants I purchased in town are growing fine so far. The leaves are yellow on them and curling and it looks like they are getting burned on the end. Am I over watering? Is this a calcium or magnesium deficiency?
Here is a picture of the plants:


Thanks for any help or advice. 
If they weren't hardened off, then, shade is the answer. What is your soi mix made of? It does look soaking wet.
That's cocoa bean mulch on top of top soil with compost mixed in. I'll get a sheet and some stakes over them and see if they perk up. Thanks!! I'll report back with the results
Yes, a lack of hardening off combined with overwatering. I am sure none of the rest of us has ever done that ourselves. :whistle:  :lol:
Not that it would help you now, but it's usually good to ask the vendor if the plants are already hardened before you get them--even so, after spending a few days in a box while they're shipped they might need a mini hardening.
To me, they look overwatered--I had half my plants start looking like that after a three day "monsoon" we had that ended on Friday.  Sprayed them with epsom salt solution and gave them a fulvic acid feeding just before dark the night it ended and woke up the next morning and they were getting green back in them and perking up nicely.